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Q: Does RNA contain base deoxyribose and phosphates?
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What are the components to a nucleotide?

Sugar - Either ribose or deoxyribose (in RNA or DNA) Nitrogenous base - Adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine (uracil (only in RNA)) Phosphates - One to three

Does DNA ribose contain sugar?

no, DNA contains deoxyribose, and RNA contains ribose

What is the backbone of DNA made of?

Phosphates and sugars.

Differences of RNA and DNA?

1. RNA have the base uracil whereas DNA have the base thymine. 2. RNA contain ribose sugar residues whereas DNA contain deoxyribose sugar residues. 3. RNA are single-stranded whereas DNA are double-stranded.

Are DNA and rna used to assembled carbohydrates?

No - they are nucleic acids. Carbohydrates are sugars, such as glucose. They are made up of C, H and O. DNA and RNA contain a sugar, ribose (or deoxyribose), but also contain phosphate and a nitrogenous base.

What sugar replaces deoxyribose in RNA?

In RNA, there is ribose that replaces deoxyribose.

Which nucleotide indicates the nucleic acid is RNA?

There is sugar,phosphates and nitrogenous base that indicates the nucleic acid is RNA

Is a phosphate DNA or RNA?

Both DNA and RNA contain a sugar phosphate group as the backbone to their structure. In DNA the sugar is deoxyribose, where as in RNA it is just ribose.

Is ribose sugar found in DNA and why?

D in DNA stands for Deoxyribose. R in RNA stands for Ribose. Deoxyribose is ribose but the 2' hydroxyl group is not present.

Which base is different in RNA?

RNA's differing base is Uracil, in place of Thymine. (It also is single stranded, and has a ribose sugar instead of the deoxyribose sugar in DNA).

What is the name of a sugar found in DNA but not in RNA?

DNA has the deoxyribose sugar, while RNA has the ribose sugar.

What are the three main differences in RNA and DNA?

DNA nucleotides contain the sugar deoxyribose. RNA nucleotides contain the sugar ribose. DNA contains the nitrogen bases adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. RNA contains the same nitrogen bases, except for thymine. RNA contains the nitrogen base uracil in place of thymine. DNA is a double-stranded molecule, whereas RNA is single-stranded.