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yes he goes every where in the world

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Q: Does Santa come to Germany
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What did Germany call santa?

Santa is called der Weihnachtsmann in Germany.

What is Santa Claus know as in Germany?

In Germany, Santa is known as Weihnachtsmann, Christkind, or Nikolaus.

When does santa come in Germany?

He comes on the 4th of July

Who delivers Christmas gifts to children in Germany?

He is known as Weihnachtsmann in Germany. This means "Christmas man".He is known as Kris Kringle from the Southern Germany.

Will Santa come to Auckland?

Absolutely, Santa will be there.

What is the bad Santa Claus in Germany?


How does Germany say santa cluse?


In which country is santa known as weihnachtsemann?


Where is Santa Claus called Christindl?


Is there a Santa in Germany?

Yes. He is called Weihnachtsmann.

How many reindeer are there when Santa Claus flies to Germany?

There are always 9 reindeer when Santa flies.

Is Santa balck?

No Santa is not black because the real St. Nick in Germany wasn't black. SAnta isn't real anyway!