

Does Saturn have an ocean

Updated: 11/9/2022
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13y ago

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The answer to your question is basically, "that depends on how you define an ocean".

Saturn is a planet that is categorized as a "gas giant"; meaning that it's atmosphere is made up primarily of hydrogen and helium, and that since the gravitational pull of the planet is so great, the atmosphere just becomes more dense as it approaches the center of the planet. There IS a molten core to Saturn, but the border between the core and the "atmosphere" may be considerably less defined than things are here, on earth.

The gravity on Saturn is so great that humans could not survive, since we would be immediately crushed under our own weight.

The atmosphere is so dense that it is difficult to distinguish it from liquid, and as such, results in the reluctance to say definitively that there is or is not an ocean.

The thick atmosphere of hydrogen and helium act much the same as would a liquid ocean, even though the two gasses are still technically not a liquid.

If you want to call the hydrogen and helium atmosphere a liquid at those pressures, then yes, Saturn is all ocean. If you want to claim that the atmosphere is a gas, then Saturn has no ocean other than the molten core.

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Q: Does Saturn have an ocean
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