

Does Saturn have shelter

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: Does Saturn have shelter
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What kind of shelter will be build in Saturn?

You will build spaceshelters.

What five things can you bring to survive on Saturn?

Food, water, air, shelter, and anti gravity. Saturns gravity is much stronger than Earths; it would crush you.

What do the rings of Saturn do for Saturn?

The rings of Saturn orbits Saturn

What are Saturn's letter does Saturn have?

{| |+ Saturn |}

How you spell Saturn?

Saturn is spelled Saturn.

What type of shelter they have?

Anderson shelter or Morrison shelter.

What type of shelter do they have?

Anderson shelter or Morrison shelter.

Which planet has the moon titan?

The planet that has a moon named Titan is Saturn.

Is Saturn a gril Or A boy?

Saturn is a girl

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Saturn takes 29.66 years to orbit the sun.

What planet has a moon with the name titan?

The answer is Saturn.

Why was the Saturn v rocket called the Saturn v rocket?

It was the fifth rocket in the Saturn-class, named after the planet Saturn, or the Mythological god Saturn.