

Does Science cause nuclear weapons

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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No, man chose to use the discoveries of Science to build the Technology of the bomb as a war was in progress. It is man's choices that are responsible.

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Q: Does Science cause nuclear weapons
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All of them have nuclear weapons cause they are the United States.

What branch of science is nuclear weapons?

Nuclear Weapons Engineering - requires a Top Secret-Q clearance to even study it.

How do nuclear weapons cause war?

nuclear weapons cause war because when one uses a nuclear weapon it will kill everyone in range and then all hell has broken through. soz if this is not the explanation you were looking for.

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No one should have nuclear weapons! I agree they cause nothing but problems. All they do is grant people power to kill and strike fear in the world. There is nothing good that can come from nuclear weapons.

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because of military use.

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Yes. The actions of people can cause earthquakes with detonation of explosives or nuclear weapons.

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The use of atomic weapons brought it to an end..........

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Australia's view about Iran having nuclear , Australia does not support that because If Iran had their Nuclear weapons they will threat the world, and will cause an nuclear race in the Arab nations witch will lead to WW3

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Those that are nuclear, such as the nuclear bombs.

Where are nuclear weapons found?

In nuclear weapons depots.