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Yes. The I has a long I vowel sound.

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Q: Does Silent have a long vowel sound?
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Is silent a long vowel Or short vowel?

The I in silent has a long I sound as in mile. The -ent has a schwa sound.

What is the long vowel sound in skate?

The vowel is a long A sound, created by the silent E. The word rhymes with date and late.

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No, the word "take" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel sound in "take" is a short vowel sound.

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The word "crime" has a long vowel sound, specifically the long "i" sound.

Does cable have a long or short vowel sound?

The A has a long A vowel sound, as in table. The E is silent.

Does night have a long or short vowel sound?

It has a long I vowel sound (the GH is silent).

Does silent have a short or long vowel sound?

The word "silent" has a short vowel sound, as the "i" is pronounced as /ɪ/.

Is silent a short vowel word?

Yes, "silent" has a short vowel sound in the first syllable ("si-").

Does the word nine have a long vowel sound?

Yes, the word "nine" has a long vowel sound for the vowel "i".

What is the long vowel of the word kite?

The long vowel sound in the word "kite" is the letter "i".

Does mine have a long vowel sound?

A long vowel sound is produced when a vowel says its name (such as "A" in cake). To determine if a vowel in a word has a long sound, look for a silent e at the end influencing the vowel (like in "bike"), or if the vowel is followed by two consonants (as in "jump").

Does cane have a long vowel sound?

Yes, the word "cane" does not have a long vowel sound. The "a" in "cane" is a short vowel sound.