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Q: Does Sudafed make you sleepy
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How do you make meth out of Sudafed?

You don't. Its illegal. Take Sudafed for your cold and make some chicken soup.

What is the difference between Sudafed and Sudafed pe?

The difference between Sudafed and Sudafed PE is that Sudafed contains pseudoephedrine and Sudafed PE contains phenylephrine. While phenylephrine doesn't work quite as well as a decongestant, it is the most common decongestant ingredient in cold and sinus formulations, due to the fact that people were using pseudoephedrine to make the illegal drug methamphetamine.

Is there an anti-nausea drug that does not make you sleepy?

Ginger. Safe,natural and won't make you sleepy.

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There are no substances in carrots that are known to make people sleepy. So no, carrots will not make you drowsy.

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It does make you sleepy and to make it not sleepy you first should have some moody bread (just a little) then drink some water then go to sleep and see what happens

Does salmon make you sleepy?

Yes! Large serving of salmon will make you sleepy, due to the Omega 3 content.

Can you take Sudafed PE and Advil PM together?

Sudafed PE is phenylephrine, a very old, very safe decongestant. Advil PM is ibuprofen and dyphenhydramine (Benadryl). They are safe to take together. Advil is a pain reliever and fever reducer, of course, and the dyphenhydramine is actually an antihistamine, which tends to make you very sleepy, too (hence the "PM" - "nighttime" label).

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