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Expunged doesn't have anything to do with it specifically. You can, under some circumstances have your rights restored, depending on what the charge was, and if it was a state felon and not a federal one.

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How do i erase my federal felony conviction in Kentucky?

You cannot. Although there IS legislation and a procedure in place to allow federal felons to petition to have their federal criminal records expunged, Congress has consistently refused to appropriate any monies to fund this program. Therefore, although it exists, it is inoperable.

Are DWI records able to be expunged?

The requirements and the ability to get a DWI/DUI conviction expunged depends on the jurisdiction in which you were convicted. Some states like Texas do not allow DWIs to be expunged or sealed. It is best to contact a lawyer to discuss your options.

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No, Missouri does not allow explugment to a criminal record

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You may not have administrative privileges.

Is there a website to help me find jobs for felons?

There are a lot of websites that will allow jobs for felons, a lot of restaurants such as McDonalds or Taco Bell, just be sure you fill out the correct information.

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The military of the United States does not allow felons to enlist.

Can you vote if incarcerated in prison?

Maine and Vermont are the only states that allow convicted felons to vote while in prison. (by absentee ballot) Other states allow convicted felons to vote after they served their terms and in some states they lose their right to vote permanently.

What disqualifies you from voting?

Individuals under the age of 18 are disqualified from voting. In some states felons are disqualified from voting however other states allow felons to vote after their sentence is served.

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Which states can convicted felons vote?

In most states convicted felons are prohibited from voting, unless their civil rights are restored. Some states are moving toward an automatic restoration of the right to vote as soon as a person's sentence is completed.