

Does Thyrocalcitonin have a hypocalcemic effect?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Does Thyrocalcitonin have a hypocalcemic effect?
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What organ produces thyrocalcitonin?

Thyroid gland. I'm pretty sure.

What is calcitonin?

Calcitonin is another term for thyrocalcitonin, a hormone which regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism.

What gland secretes tetraiodothyronine?

The thyroid secretes tetraiodothyronine, along with triiodothyronine, diiodothyronine, and thyrocalcitonin.

What are good foods to eat for somebody who is hypocalcemic but also allergic to dairy?

Broccoli and spinach! Lots of leafy greens are loaded with calcium. Soy milk is a good alternative if you can stomach it. Some cereal bars are calcium loeaded but may contain dairy so watch your labels.

How does hypocalcemia prevent insulin secretion?

To release insulin from the endocrine pancreas cells, the vesicles in the cell need calcium to bind to the internal cell membrane and eject their contents into the blood stream. If a person (or animal) is hypocalcemic (has low blood calcium levels), there isn't enough calcium in the pancreas cell to release the insulin.

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Yes, Price effect = substitution effect + income effect

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the Coriolis effect

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The therapeutic effect is otherwise known as the "desired effect". The effect we want the drug to do. In contrast to Adverse or undesired effect.

How is a drugs side effect different from the drugs effect?

e.g weed. effect: gets you high side effect: cancer the drugs effect is the intentional effect of the drug. the side-effect is the unintentional effect. eg: pain medication's effect is to ease pain.. it's side-effect is that it often times will make you dizzy. you're not taking it to get dizzy, you're taking it to eliminate pain. therefor the dizziness is the side-effect.

How is a drug's side effect different from the drug's effect?

e.g weed. effect: gets you high side effect: cancer the drugs effect is the intentional effect of the drug. the side-effect is the unintentional effect. eg: pain medication's effect is to ease pain.. it's side-effect is that it often times will make you dizzy. you're not taking it to get dizzy, you're taking it to eliminate pain. therefor the dizziness is the side-effect.

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With effect from With effect from