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From personal experience I can say that when my mouth feels gross, like theirs plaque on my teeth, if I chew some Trident, Orbitz, or a few other select gums it does help get rid of the plaque, However the sugars and things like that are also bad for your teeth so it may help some but it wont help fight cavities or anything like that, just make you feel less gross if you dont have time to brush right this second.

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12y ago

Yes. It contains xylitol which strengthens your teeth by reducing acids in your mouth that decay teeth.

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What is the healthiest piece of gum?

Trident -as they say, its really good for your teeth. Other gums have sugar.

Does trident gum have anything to do with three teeth?

technically the word "Trident" means triple teeth by the company claims that it has something to do with the 3 enzymes that the gum has to protect the teeth (dent).

Why is trident called that like triangel and tri that meanes 3 sides?

The prefix "tri" means three. Triangle is for 3 angles. Tricycle is for 3 wheels. Trident is for 3 teeth. In the trident case, the "teeth" are the tines; a trident has 3 tines.

What is Trident slogan?

"The great taste is good for your teeth"

Can you clean your rabbits teeth?

You can't really "clean" a rabbits teeth. If you see black cavities, bring it to the vet and will give you a specialized medicine.

What will happen if you brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth?

you get a really fresh breath and clean teeth

What is trident gums slogan?

"The great taste is good for your teeth"

What are the gums that protect your teeth?

5 gum, trident, stride.

Does bubble gum clean teeth?

Yes, Hubba Babba gum has a lot of sugar that can damage your teeth and cause your teeth to get cavity's. Eat sugar-free gum like orbit, stride, 5 gum, and trident because those gum are actually proven to be good for your teeth. Chew on!

Can anyone give a good description of trident?

A trident (greek for "three teeth") is a type of spear-like weapon with 3 tines or points.

Which gum whitens your teeth better Trident or Orbit?

orbit, because it makes your teeth whiter and freshes your breath

What is the weapon called a trident?

A trident (3 teeth) has 3 long, sharp, barbed points like you see on a pitchfork, attached to a long handle.