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Codeine is metabolized into morphine by the liver. This is a powerful opiate. Depending on the strength of the tablets and if your body is used to them they will cause drowsiness. Lower doses may not give drowsiness, but a larger dose tablet will make you drowsy as well as other side effects.

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Q: Does Tylenol with codeine make you drowsy while driving?
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Can you take Tylenol and codeine while you are concussed?


What is the difference between Tylenol extra strength and Tylenol 3?

Tylenol Extra Strength is 500mg of acetaminophen only. Tylenol #1 is 300mg of acetaminophen and 8mg of codeine. Tylenol #2 is 300mg of acetaminophen and 15mg of codeine. Tylenol #3 is 300mg of acetaminophen and 30mg of codeine. Tylenol #4 is 300mg of acetaminophen and 60mg of codeine.

Can you go to work while taking Tylenol with codeine?

it is better to stop

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If you get drowsy while driving it is best to?

get out of your car and walk around.

Can Tylenol with codeine?

NO..percocet contains oxycodone/Tylenol(acetaminophen) and codeine/Tylenol is a weaker pain medication. They are both opiates..... Codeine is used to treat mild to moderate pain and is also a very good cough medicine...

Can you get a ticket for driving while tired?

The law takes a dim view of drowsy driving. If you are caught driving while drowsy or you fall asleep at the wheel, you can be charged with careless or dangerous driving. If you are involved in a fatal accident, you can be charged with dangerous driving. This can result in a prison sentence of up to fourteen years.

What percentage of Driving while drowsy is responsible for fatal collisions?

25 percent

What is a drowsy driver?

One that is so tired that he/she may fall asleep at the wheel while driving.

If you drowsy while driving it is best to?

It is best to, stop the car at the side and take a nap first.

If you are drowsy while driving it is best to?

It is best to, stop the car at the side and take a nap first.

Why do you feel drowsy while driving?

you may have been driving for an extremely long time or you may not have slept well the previous night