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Generally not with the standard small Venus Fly traps.

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venus fly traps are the 007 of plants

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Q: Does a Venus Fly Trap hurt when they bite people?
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What happen if a human get bitten by a Venus fly trap?

they cant it wont hurt

What can a fly trap do to a human?

the venus fly trap in other words called dioena muscipula the plant is a carnivore but cant hurt a human!

Does it hurt if a Venus Flytrap shuts on a humans finger?

It's strong enough to hurt a bug but I don't think it's strong enough to hurt you, those teeth look kind of weak.

Does it hurt when spiders bite people?

yes, of course.

Do guineapigs bite?

yehh but only if you scare, trap, hurt herbut it also depends on the guinea pig, some can be more anxious than othersI agree with the first person but they can also smell food on your skin.

Is Venus fly trap toxic to bird?

No but I do not recommend feeding your bird this meat eating plant... It is not toxic to them but i could hurt their digestive system and could possibly kill them

What would make an insect bite hurt?

Insects often inject an irritant or poison to make their bite hurt, but if not the bite itself can hurt if it breaks the skin.

Do Pet turutles bite?


Which is more fun a TickleMe Plant or a Venus Fly Trap?

The Venus Fly Trap always reminds me of the Little Shop of Horrors. It does seem to take a long time before the leaves of the Venus Fly Trap re-open one you feed it (up to a month) On the other hand the TickleMe Plant won't hurt a fly and the leaves re-open in minutes. The TickleMe Plant was also very easy to grow from seeds in the Classroom kit I found on line which included a book that had some fun experiments as well.

Do spiders usually hurt people?

Yes because they bite you. It sometimes leaves a mark or something.

Do dragonflies bite?

no they don't bite. actually they do . small dragonflies bite but you can't feel it , emperor dragonflies bite and it does hurt but it is not as painful and has a strong grab . I agree with F117nighthawk. They do bite, it dosn't hurt, but it freaks you out.

Why does your toe hurt when you bite your tongue?

why your toes hurt when yo bite your tongue is beacase the vibration that co-net to you toe