

Does a bald eagle have a predator that is not a human?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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yes a fox,coyotes,lion and tiger

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Q: Does a bald eagle have a predator that is not a human?
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What is the natural predator of bald eagle?

Adults have no natural predators.

What is the prediter of the Bald eagle?

The predator of the balled eagle is the Harpy Eagle. These birds of prey are almost 4 feet tall.

Why did the bald eagle have a good reason to human beings?

Because to human beings the bald eagle means freedom. It is also displayed as the symbol of "supreme power and authority".

Is the sea lion a predator to the bald eagle?

Sea lions hunt fish and other marine animals. Bald eagles are at the top of the food chain and don't have any predators. Therefor, sea lions are not predators of the bald eagle.

Will a bald eagle eat another bald eagle?

No Bald Eagle do not eat another Bald Eagle

How does the bald eagle escape from a predator?

They dont have predators. If they did they would probably just fly away

Does the bald eagle have a natural predator?

Yes, Bald Eagles are birds of prey, meaning they consume the flesh of other animals in order to survive. According to the American Eagle Foundation, a Bald Eagle's diet consists of from 70-90 percent fish, with the remaining 10-30 percent coming from small mammals (rats, squirrels, etc.), smaller birds and other aquatic life.

What is the national bird of the United States?

The Bald Eagle.

What are the predators of Bald Eagles?

Mountain lions, alligators, and crocodiles prey on bald eagles.

Why is a human a bald eagles predator?

Humans (especially hunters) kill bald eagles by hunting,(shooting) and destruction in their environment.