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Less water ;)

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Q: Does a balloon go farther with more or less water?
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Is a cannon ball more or less dense than a water balloon the same size?

less dense

How far can a water balloon rolls before it bursts?

This has to do, not so much with the distance, and not even with the speed, but how suddenly the balloon's speed changes - in other words, how strong you hit it. Of course, tossing the balloon farther may require more force - but then, in theory you can make it speed up gradually. - It will also depend on the specific balloon (its material, and how thick it is), and how much you fill it with water.

Would you float more easily in water in a planet of less gravity than that on earth?

No you would sink fasters as water molecules would be farther apart.

How strong is a water balloon?

I am assuming you mean how much force is required to break the water balloon on impact. Cannot be answered - it would depend on too many factors, such as how much water is in the balloon (more water would cause it to pop more easily, less water and you could be slamming that thing against a brick wall and it won't break). It would also depend on the materials used to make the balloon, and how hard you throw it, as to whether it would break on impact.

How does air help to make a hot air balloon work?

Air has a certain density. A hot air balloon heats air inside the balloon which causes it to become less dense. This is because the hotter something is, the more space it takes up. Less dense things float on top of more dense things (think of oil on water). You get enough less dense hot air, and the balloon will float up on top of the cold, dense air.

What makes a balloon pop with a heat source?

when heated, molecules get farther away from eachother, causing the balloon to expand. once the balloon reaches its maximum capacity, further heating will cause the molecules to expand more than the balloon can contain and it will pop.

How does light get bent into the colors of the rainbow?

Red has lower energy and blue has higher so they are refracted less. Think of cars. One is going faster so it goes farther when it hits water. Cars with less energy will not go farther, and will be refracted more

Is pressure in a balloon less than atmospheric pressure?

No, the pressure of the balloon is more than the atmospheric pressure because the gasses in the balloon are compressed by the stretched material.

Why a balloon inflates when a bottle and balloon system is placed in hot water?

The hot water heats up the air inside the bottle, causing it to expand, forcing some of the air out of the bottle and into the balloon, causing it to inflate. The larger the bottle, the more air that will be pushed into the balloon. The air in the balloon will quickly cool and, since hot air is less dense and therefore rises, the cooler air is forced back into the bottle to be heated up. Eventually the air will be a constant temperature and the balloon will reach the limit of inflation. As the water cools, the air cools and the balloon begins to deflate.

What is the difference between the floatation of balloon and the floatation of iceberg?

floating of balloon on water surface is because of the air which has less density and thus has a tendency to be on the top of berg floats because of the caged structure ,where air is present, present in ice due to hydrogen bonding and it has much more density than air but less than water.

Why would heating the gas in a hot air balloon make the balloon rise?

When the gas (air) in a hot air balloon is heated it becomes less dense. This makes the balloon more buoyant so it rises.Because heating the air inside the balloon makes it less dense than the air surrounding the outside of the balloon, so it will rise.

When you put a balloon in a cold room then in a worm room does its density change?

No. The volume of the helium will change as it expands the balloon due to the increase in temperature. The density of an element never changes. The reason for that is because density is just a fancy way of saying 'The atoms are this far apart' in the equation mass/volume = density.