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NO! This is a FALSE, FALSE, FALSE rumor. Bleach may clean your tub, sinks, and undies, but it is not meant for human consumption. Ever. First of all, it will not affect your drug test. Not if you drink it, and not if you pour it in your urine sample. Second of all, it is poison. Bleach contains ammonia, a very strong base, which will burn your throat, esophagus, and stomach. Swallowing any amount calls for poison control intervention. The best way to pass a drug test is to stop doing drugs. Don't harm yourself.

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Q: Does a cap of bleach clean your system?
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Does bleach clean your urinary system?

yaa just bleach and vinegar a bottle cap of bleach and a glass of vinegar

Does a cap full of bleach clean your body?

You don't need to clean yourself with bleach. Soap and water is enough. Bleach is actually harmful to your skin.

Does bleach clean your system?


Does bleach water clean marijuana from system?

No, it does not. Drinking bleach is incredibly stupid and dangerous.

How do you clean your system out in 1 week?

Drink a gallon of bleach.

Does colorox clean your system for marijuana?

if your refering to the bleach the only thing it will do is put you in alot of pain and die. it will not clean your system

Can bleach clean out pills in a piss test?

Yes.. Bleach can clean your system out of pills..

Does bleah clean out your system of majiuana?

If you mean bleach, NO! It will however, make you very sick if you drink it. The only thing that will clean it out of your system is time.

Does one teaspoon of bleach in your orange juice clean your urine?

No, bleach and orange juice does not clean out your system. It may kill you or make you sick. It will not help you pass a drug test.

Will bleach and water clean your system before a drug test and how much water are you to drink?

Since the answer to the first question is "no", the answer to the second question is kind of meaningless. Bleach and water will just make you sick, it won't "clean your system."

What can get THC out of system?

Water, Vinegar, Niacin, Pickle Juice. You can get water pills or niacin pills and those will flush your system out. I've even heard of friends drinking a cap full of bleach with a glass of water to clean out there system. I'm not sure if it works but they have all believed it has.

How do you clean a camelback backpack water system?

2 tablespoons of bleach in a gallon of water. Open the bladder and drop everything into the bucket of bleach water. Make sure the water touches everything. Fill the bladder, cap it, then squeeze the bleach water through the bite valve. Let it sit at least 30 minutes before rinsing it out.