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A cat cannot give any disease that it does not have itself. A cat can bring in fleas from outside, and fleas may in turn carry diseases; and there is a slight potential for a cat to bring in infected mice (in drought-stricken areas, cats have been known to hunt and catch mice with hantavirus). But by and large, a healthy cat will not bring any significant diseases with him.

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Q: Does a cat house and it is clean will the cat give disease?
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Vacuuming and spraying with a antiallergy spray with prevent cat allergies.

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No, absolutely not. Pregnant women can get a disease called Toxoplasmosis if they clean up cat feces. They should not clean a litter box or deal with cat feces at all. See the Related link below.

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Take your cat to a vet, then let the vet clean your cat with a "special" shower. Basically they put it in a shower and clean it very good!

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Yeah it will give her somesort of kidney disease

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A cat will clean itself with its tongue. This is the reason that cats have "sand paper tongue." A cat will lick itself clean. This is how a cat represents homeostasis Locked by Brwoser Lock.

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Yes but It depends on what country you live in and how clean the water is. But it should be safe to give it to your cat.

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Give it a house cat. They will get along great together.

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the cat went to the house to get the mouse :)

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A cat with worms can infect a cat that doesn't have worms, so it's best to give both cats (after discussing it with your vet) the worm capsules.

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Use the mighty power of OXY-Clean

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