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The cathode ray is just a beam of electrons.

The color of the fluorescence depends on the substance in the target.

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Q: Does a cathode ray produce red fluorescence?
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Why does your display loose Red?

If referring to a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) then this uses three electron `guns' namely Red, Green and Blue. If red is lost the connection to the red gun has been lost or more rarely the gun itself is damaged.

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Chlorophylls reemit a fraction of the light energy they absorb as fluorescence. Irrespective of the wavelengthof the absorbed light, the emitted fluorescence is always on the long-wavelength side of the lowest energy absorption band, in the red or infrared region of the spectrum.The fluorescent properties of a particular chlorophyll are functions of the structure of the molecule and its immediate environment. Thus, the fluorescence spectrum of chlorophyll in the living plant is always shifted to longer wavelengths relative to the fluorescence spectrum of a solution of the same pigment. This red shift is characteristic of aggregatechlorophyll.AnswerChlorophylls reemit a fraction of the light energy they absorb as fluorescence. Irrespective of the wavelengthof the absorbed light, the emitted fluorescence is always on the long-wavelength side of the lowest energy absorption band, in the red or infrared region of the spectrum. The fluorescent properties of a particular chlorophyll are functions of the structure of the molecule and its immediate environment. Thus, the fluorescence spectrum of chlorophyll in the living plant is always shifted to longer wavelengths relative to the fluorescence spectrum of a solution of the same pigment. This red shift is characteristic of aggregatechlorophyllchlorophyll is a green boogie colour substance

What does Rb mean in relation to diamonds?

Rb in relation to diamonds stands for "red fluorescence." This term refers to the presence of a red glow that some diamonds emit when exposed to ultraviolet light. Diamonds with strong red fluorescence may appear slightly pinkish or purplish in natural light.

What is strontium useful for?

Strontium-90 is used in Systems for Nuclear Auxilliary Power (SNAP) devices. Strontium is used in producing glass for color television picture tubes. It is also used to produce ferrite magnets and to refine zinc. Strontium titanate is very soft but has an extremely high refractive index and an optical dispersion greater than that of diamond. Strontium salts are used in flares and fireworks because they produce a vivid red flame.

Why does acridine orange fluoresce in green light only?

Acridine orange gives green fluorescence when bound to DNA (em. max 525 nm) and orange/red fluorescence when bound to RNA (em. max 650 nm).

What color is ruby under ultraviolet light?

Rubies typically exhibit fluorescence under ultraviolet light, often showing various shades of red and pink. This fluorescence phenomenon can vary depending on the specific composition and quality of the ruby.

What color is carotene under a UV light?

Carotene appears red/orange under a UV light due to its fluorescence properties. UV light excites the electrons in the carotene molecule, causing it to emit visible light in the red/orange range.

What is Mindless Behavior favorite color?

Ray Ray's is purple( like mine), Princeton's is green, Prodigy's is red, and Roc Royal's is black.

How do you get a ray gun in red dead redemption?

You cannot get a ray gun on Red Dead Redemption.

Picture on tv red and blue?

If it is a conventional cathode ray tube its Yellow color gun has a fault. It might just be a loose connection to the tube or it might be much more serious and unrepairable. Because thousands of volts are used to make the cathode ray tube work, unless you really know what you are doing, never take off a tv's case or touch anything inside it until it has been switched off and left unplugged for at least 3 days.IF YOU NOT ALREADY SURE YOU CAN DO THIS JOBSAFELY AND COMPETENTLYREFER THIS WORK TO QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS.