

Best Answer

both, depends on the specis

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Q: Does a chameleon give birth to live babies or lay eggs?
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How many chameleons does a chameleon give birth to?

Most chameleons lay eggs. One that doesn't is the Jacksons Chameleon. It gives live birth to about 4 or 5 babies.

Does Chameleon give birth or lay eggs?

they lay eggs

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Raccoons give birth to live babies, they do not hatch from eggs.

Are dolphins lay eggs or give birth to live babies?

Dolphins are mammals and so they give birth to live babies.

Does a chipmunk give birth to live babies or lay eggs?

They are born alive.

Does an alligator give birth to live babies?

No, alligator babies hatch from eggs.

Do monkey give live birth or lay eggs?

They give birth to babies. Monkeys are mammals and therefore, give live birth rather than laying eggs.

Do hammer sharks have eggs or babies with out eggs?

Sharks give birth to live young

Which do not lay eggs?

Mammals do not lay eggs they give birth to live "babies" of their species.

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they give birth to live babies they dont lay eggs

Does all bird give birth to young alive?

Well yeah. If I understand your question. They don't give birth to babies that are dead. I think they all give birth to babies in eggs

Do armadillos babies come in eggs?

No. Armadillos give birth to live young. They do not lay eggs.