

Does a cheetah have the same heart as humans?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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yes a cheeath does have a same heart.

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Q: Does a cheetah have the same heart as humans?
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What is the size of a cheetah's heart?

You can't really ask a cheetah to curl his paw into a fist to find how big it is because, cheetah's have small paws but big hearts. The really big heart is not just for love, it is so when the cheetah is running at speeds of 68-75 mph that the muscles get supplied with fresh blood and oxygen. Of course the cheetah can only go that fast in short bursts. Like I said above, a bigger heart basically means more fuel for the cheetah's leg muscles. It's not just a big heart, it's also big lungs to help. When a cheetah goes that fast, is only when he is hunting and is about to bring down something for dinner. After a quick chase like that with or without dinner, a cheetah's heart rate is 200-250 bpm( beats per minute). After a cheetah has time to rest his resting heart rate would be 120-170 bpm. With big lungs and a big heart, a cheetah is able to run very fast. It's not just the heart and lungs that make the cheetah so fast. A cheetah's tail gives it balance when turning fast and a cheetah's spine is s shaped which can go up and down letting the lungs expand to let in fresh air with each breath. A cheetah's nails also give it good traction.

Can cheetahs cohabitate with lions?

No. They are both predators and compete for the same prey species. So, they cannot coexist. Lions will kill any cheetah that comes into their territory or when they find cheetah cubs. Lions are the biggest killers of cheetah's after humans

Can pigs heart the same as humans heart?

no because animals are the same with human and animals don't have life/spirit.

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No. A chicken has a heart that is much smaller than a human's.

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the same as humans dothe same as other animals do

Does a cheetah have a heart?

Yes. Any mammal or creature has a heart

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