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It all depends what denomination you belong to. Some denominations teach that infant baptism is necessary. Others believe baptism is only for those who are old enough to accept Jesus for themselves. Baptism for all Christians is required by God at some point.

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Q: Does a child or an adult born of a Christian married couple need to be baptized as Christian?
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What group of Christian's don't get baptized?

All Christians are baptized as the Bible commands. The question is at what point of their lives do they get baptized - as an infant, 'coming of age' or as a responsible adult. Suggest reading Acts 2:38-41.

What religion was Henry Fonda?

Fonda's parents were Christian Scientist, he was baptized an Episcopalian, and became an agnostic as an adult. Take your pick.

Can you be baptized a Christian then again as a Roman Catholic?

First off, Catholicism is the first and foremost Christian religion as founded by Christ. As to your question, you can only be baptized once. If done properly, the Catholic Church recognizes the baptism as valid. If the Church is uncertain if a person was validly baptized, that person will receive a conditional baptism. "If you were not baptized before, I baptize you in the name of . . . ."

Do you need to be confirmed before your baby can be baptized?

No. There are no prerequisites to being baptized. Only that you (as an adult) desire to be baptized. Baptism, however, is a prerequisite to being confirmed. Adults, if they are to be baptized, are usually confirmed on the same day.

What is required for one to be baptised in the Catholic Church?

If under age 8 the only requirement is for parents desire to bring child up as Catholic and have a catholic (baptized and confirmed) adult sponsor Between 8 and teens the requirement is for parents to bring child up as Catholic and have a catholic (baptized and confirmed) adult sponsor and see to it that child goes to religious education classes As an adult, the requirememt is for adult to attend up to 6 months of weekly or every other week classes in the Rite of Christian Initiatiin (RCIA) program to be baptized at the Easter Vigil.

When changing from a Catholic who was baptized as an adult to Protestant religion does one have to be baptized again?

No, baptism is only necessary once.

Can an adult be baptized Lutheran?

An adult can be babtized in the Lutheran way.

Where did baptism get its name?

Baptize means to be surrounded or completely covered. John the Baptist baptized Jesus of Nazareth according to the Bible. The denomination of Baptists got their name because they were called Anabaptist because they baptized after someone became an adult and made a decision to follow the Christian faith and profess this decision.

Is Christian Jewish?

No. He was raised by a Christian family in a relatively non-religious way. His stepmother, Gloria Steinem, has a Jewish father and feels Jewish in an ethnic sense. However, as she married David Bale when Christian was already an adult, this had minimal impact on Christian.

Do you need to be biptised to receive communion?

Yes, you need to be baptized and Catholic to receive communion. If you are not baptized and are under age 8 you can be baptized with the permission of parent. If you are not baptized and are under 18 you will need to show an understanding of the sacrament before being baptized. If you are not baptized and are an adult you will need to attend classes and then be baptized and confirmed and receive communion at an Easter Vigil Mass.

Is Christian Bale Jewish?

No. He was raised by a Christian family in a relatively non-religious way. His stepmother, Gloria Steinem, has a Jewish father and feels Jewish in an ethnic sense. However, as she married David Bale when Christian was already an adult, this had minimal impact on Christian.

Why would someone get an adult baptism?

Following Jesus' example where he was baptized in the river Jordan.