

Does a comet produce light

Updated: 8/9/2023
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14y ago

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No, a comet's dust tail reflects light from the sun.

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yescausethis website said so ask them for yourselves

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Q: Does a comet produce light
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Is comet light a natural light?

Light from a comet is just reflected sunlight.

How bright is a comet?

they don't produce their own light, it all comes from the sun, so the closer to the sun the brighter

What colour is a comet?

the color of a comet is light blue or dark blue

Does a comet emit visible light and infrared light?

A comet emits no light of its own, until close enough to be illuminated and stimulated by radiation from the sun.

What make's the comet's light up?

The sun makes a comet appear bright. A comet is usually made up of ice and rock. The ice reflects the light of the sun very well.

Why is Halley's Comet famous?

Halley's Comet actually comes around every year. Humans enjoy loooking at the beautiful light show. The reason why Halley's Comet is so famous is that light show was the first comet seen that was reecorded.

Why is the tail of a comet luminous?

The tail of a comet is luminous because it scatters and reflects the light from the sun.

Do comets emit light?

No. The light you see from a comet is reflected sunlight.

What is the correct term for the halo light around a comet?

The Coma is the nebulous envelope around the nucleus of a comet. It is formed when the comet passes close to the Sun.

Is comet a source or form of light?

A Source with form of light like the sun.

Correct term for the halo of light around a comet?

This is the coma, the portion of the comet that sublimates from the surface as it approaches the sun.

How does a comet shine as it moves closer towards the sun?

the Sun's heat and radiation produce a wind called the Solar Wind, as a comet gets close to the Sun it begins to melt. ... This is when a comet begins to shine.