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Q: Does a compiler convert source code to object code?
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What is role of compiler?

It coverts your source code into machine code so the computer can execute it.

The translator that converts source code to object code is called?


What does a compiler do when you compile your program?

Coverts source code into object code

Are programs that translate the source code to object code?

False. A compiler converts source code into object code.

What are the examples of compiler?

basically compiler is that convert an object code in to machine code and machine code is directly understood by a computer. assembler and interpreter are the examples of compilers. assembler is used to convert object code of assmebly language in machine code.

What is bliss compiler?

A bliss compiler compiles Bliss source into Bliss object code which is a step in executing macdine code written by the Bliss compiler.

How do you convert .c extension to .exe?

To convert source code (.c file) to an executable (.exe) file you have to use a compiler, which is a translator of source code to machine code.

What is the compiler that is used in C?

A program that translates source program into object code.

What are the advantage of compiler?

Translates from source code to object module. What else did you think?

Why is there a need for compiler?

Compilers are needed to convert human readable source code into machine executable code.

How is Compiler Different from Interpretor?

A traditional compiler converts the source code to machine code; many recent compilers convert the source code to some intermediate language instead. An interpreter runs the source code directly, which means the source code is basically "interpreted" one line at a time.

What is responsible for producing the object file during the transformation of source code to an executable?
