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No. If it only has one lens, then it's just a magnifying glass, not a microscope.

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Q: Does a compound microscope only have 1 lens?
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How did the compound light microscope get its name?

it uses light to help you see the object and it has more than on lensIt uses light to see, and it is compound because it uses more than 1 lens.

Does a microscope have more than 1 lens?

Yes they can have different magnification.

Who discovered the simple microscope?

Short answer: Zacharias Jansen Long answer: Your question is not valid for 2 reasons: 1. You cannot "discover" something if it does not exist. You should be asking who invented it, not who found it laying around somewhere. 2. A "simple microscope" is not common terminology. Simple compared to an electron microscope? or simple compared to a compound microscope? What is typically referred to as just "microscope" is technically a compound microscope. A set of multiple lenses mounted in a desktop style that allows the compounding of magnification. A compound microscope is the standard microscope in any basic lab setting. Anything more "simple" than a compound microscope would not even really be a microscope, it would either be a telescope, or simpler than that is a magnifying glass (with a single lens) The inventor of the magnifying glass was: Roger Bacon The next step up is the telescope invented by: Zacharias Jansen The next step up is the "compound microscope" which was also invented by: Zacharias Jansen (this is the simplest form of what would be recognized as or named "microscope") If you wanted to go even "simpler" and define microscope as anything that magnifies, there were reading glasses around for thousands of years prior, and even "reading stones" which were lumps of polished glass used to magnify parchment in Egypt as far back as 7000 B.C. (inventor unknown). So it really depends on how you wish to refine your meaning of simple. The magnification of anything? There is no known inventor for reading stones, his name is lost to time. Or if you mean the first invented microscope that could examine things too small for a human eye to detect, that's a compound microscope. Thus if I am guessing your meaning correctly, you meant to ask this question: Question: Who invented the compound microscope? Answer: Zacharias Jansen

When was the microscope created?

Cornelis Drebbel from Netherlands is credited with the building of the first microscope in 1 620.

How do you use the lensometer or lens clock for finding the refractive index of a lens?

The formula for calculating a lens' refractive power is as follows:n = (D * R) + 1, where n = refractive power, D = optical power in diopter, and R = lens curvature radius.A lens clock will give you an estimated optical power, d and from there you can work out the curvature radius by using the formula:R = (0.53)/d.A lensometer will give you the actual optical power, D.Input the R and D into the first formula and you will get the lens' refractive index, n.

Related questions

What is the difference between a simple and compound microscopre?

simple microscope only have 1 lens and compound microscope uses 2 lens \

How is a simple microscope and a compound microscope different?

The difference lies in the number of lenses that each microscope has. A compound microscope has 2 or more lenses, like those found in most science classrooms. A simple microscope uses only 1 lens.

How many lenss are in a compound light microscope what is the function of the lenss?

The simplest optical microscope is the magnifying glass and is good to about ten times (10X) magnification. The compound microscope has two systems of lenses for greater magnification, 1) the ocular, or eyepiece lens that one looks into and 2) the objective lens, or the lens closest to the object.

What type of microscope will you use to observe 1 the pores of human skin 2 the sex of a fruit fly 3 spores of fern?

a compound lens microscope should do the trick

How did the compound light microscope get its name?

it uses light to help you see the object and it has more than on lensIt uses light to see, and it is compound because it uses more than 1 lens.

Does a microscope have more than 1 lens?

Yes they can have different magnification.

What is the difference between compound microscope and dissecting microscope?

In compound microscope are usually able to magnify an object by 400 times.while dissecting microscope usually only magnify an object by 40 times or less. In compound microscope are used to view very small, relatively thin things, such as cells. In dissecting microscope are used to look at larger objects that have a greater degree of depth such as grains of pollen. In compound microscope is always made with 1 eyepiece. On the other hand dissecting microscope is always made with 2 eyepiece.

What microscope uses two of more glass lenses to magnify living or prepared slides?

All microscopes use more than 1 lens. A magnifying device with only 1 lens is called a magnifying glass.

What are the several types of microscope? microscope 2.stereo microscope 3.compound microscope 4.electron microscope 5.laboratory microscope

Microscopes are classified as simple or compound depending on what?

You No What Classified As Simple If They Have Only 1 Lens.Ex.Simple And Easy Only Have To Do It OnceYou No when It Is Compound Because It Has 2 Lens.. Ex.Compond Word Has TWO World In It.

List three differences between the dissecting microscope and the compound microscope?

1. compound microscope has higher magnification power 2. Dissecting is used for studying 'big' objects 3. compound is for looking at cells, etc.

What are the two types of microscopes and explain one differences?

The to types of microscope are as following : 1. Simple microscope 2. compound microscope differences between these both is as following: simple microscope has one Len but compound microscope has two Len.