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Q: Does a crow bird caller attract other crows?
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What is the name of the loudest bird?

well i think it could be the crow because it has the loudest song to attract other crows :)

What bird is considered the bird of death?

Crows and Ravens

What tipe of animal is a jackdaw?

an Asian bird

Do crows eat worms?

Crows eat anything. As for other birds they prefer babies and or eggs from other nests. Next would be any dead bird. I have seen wild crows mimic many other bird calls as to find the bird and or it's nest. I know one crow that knows at least three other calls. Finally, a crow in captivity can learn as fast or faster the english language and remember a person or animal after being absent for years.

What is the best bird control for crows?

To control the crows in your area, you need to remove any food sources outside that you can, and to keep your garbage pails inside until garbage day, crows can get inside of them easily with their beaks. Add bird spikes to keep birds off your house and fences, other then that you can control the number of crows in your area by simply scaring them whenever possible.

Are crows protected?

Yes, American crows are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. The estimated population of crows is 31,000,000. Crows are scavengers.

What bird group is called a council?


Why do hawks and crows fight?

Crows and ravens will "mob" a hawk, to drive the predator bird away from their territory.

Can a murder be of any bird?

it only applies to crows

Which bird lays its egg in crows nest?

A Crow???

Is crow the most intelligent bird?

The most Intelligent Bird(s) are crows and/or Parrots

What do bird eat a wild bird?

Birds of prey eat other birds, as do some corvids (crows), for instance Eurasian Magpies eat the eggs and chicks of small songbirds.