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No, nothing can actually do something like that. people would hear about it if it could actually be done

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Q: Does a death mask indicate what deceased was thinking at time of death?
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What was the funeral mask?

A funeral mask, more often known as a 'Death Mask' is a plaster or sometimes waxen mask that has been formed over the face of the deceased. In the past, it was used for the purpose of creating sculptures, or to create portraits. For forensic purposes, the death mask was often used to help in subsequent identification of the deceased, when it was not practicable to retain the body, thus allowing police to further present imagery of the deceased to enquirers. The most widely known Death Mask is that of the Egyptian King Tutankhamun.

Are death masks still used in Egypt?

No , only ancient Egyptians used it Ancient Egyptians believed in the concept of life after death. The death masks for men consisted of red paint tones while yellow was for women. The death mask was a part of the preserving the dead and funeral rites. After the body of the deceased was carefully mummified, a sculpted mask was put on the face of the dead. The ancient Egyptians believed that this mask would strengthen the spirit of the dead person and also protect its soul from the evil spirits. These death masks showcased the status of the person in the soiety before his death. The best known mask is that of Tutankhamun's burial mask which was made of gold.In the event of the death of a person of royal class, the mask had expensive jewels and lapis lazuli on it.

What colour is the death mask of anamemnon?

the colour of the death mask of agamemnon is gold and the texture of the artefact is rich and soft and fluffy

What is the name of the mask pharaohs wear when they are buried?

the death mask.

What is a Antarctica mask made from?

You may be thinking of a balaclava, which functions as a mask. These can be knitted wool or canvas.

What do the colours on the Death Mask represent?

They were gold so that the deceased could have the blessings of Ra, the sun god. They believed that gold, since it shone like the sun, had been blessed by the great sun god. There is blue on the Death Mask because it represents the Nile river that seperates the two egyptian nations who were united under the great Pharoah, Osiris

Where were the death masks in Egypt?

the death mask was in the pyramid

A reddish stone used in Tutankhamen's death mask?

The reddish stone used in Tutankhamen's death mask was carnelian. The death mask is made of gold, inlaid with colored glass and semiprecious stones.

What coulors is death mask?

the colors for the death mask are blue, red, brown and black but mostly blue red and gold

Where is Tutankhamen's death mask?


Who wore the death mask?


What is an Egyptian funerary mask?

A mask that some egyptions wore to teach children about their ancestors or to be worn to special ceremonies, like sombody elses funeral to show that that person is still there