

Does a desert cool faster than a swamp in the daytime?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Both a desert and a swamp warm up in the daytime, not cool. They both cool at night with the desert cooling the fastest.

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Q: Does a desert cool faster than a swamp in the daytime?
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Does a swamp cool faster than a desert?

No, a desert cools faster than a swamp as it lacks humidity and cloud cover to hold in the heat from the daytime.

What would cool more quickly night desert or swamp?


Which one cools faster at night a desert or a swamp?

A desert cools much faster than a swamp as rock and sand does not retain heat very well, while the water in a swamp is a very good retainer of heat.Clarification:Clouds and high humidity act as a blanket that prevents the heat from a swamp from radiating into space once the sun goes down. The desert usually has no such protection and the heat quickly radiates into space once the sun goes down.

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A desert cools much more repidly than a swamp because there is little humidity to help hold the heat.

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Hot desert climate.

Why do desert coolers cool better on hot dry summer?

Swamp coolers depend on evaporation of water to cool the air. The hotter the temperature and drier the air, the better they are able to cool.

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At nightime, the plains cool faster than bodies of water. Therefore, it is warmer at seaside. At daytime, the plains warm faster than the sea. Therefore, it is cool to stay on the beach.

Why does the desert cool so much at night?

The desert lacks humidity and clouds that could hold in daytime heating. Once the sun sets the heat radiates back into space.

Why will the desert be warm and moist at daytime and cool and dry at nigh time?

During the day, the sun heats the desert - making it extremely hot. At night, the heat simply dissipates.

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Arizona has a much lower humidity.

Why is it that during nighttime it is cold in the desert?

Most hot deserts quickly cool down at night because there is little humidity and cloud cover to hold in daytime heating. The heat radiates back into space and the desert become quite cool at night.

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A desert will cool off much more quickly as there is little humidity or cloud cover that would hold in the heat of the day.