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Yes sometimes ........

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Q: Does a different color of light change the way that a plant grows?
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How long does it take for a leaf to change color?

First, the leave grows into a light green color, Then to a dark green, Then to a yellow or orange color, Then to a brown color

Does osmosis cause food coloring to change the color of water?

It absorbs different wavelengths of visible light

Do shadows come in different colours?

You can certainly have a shadow that is another color besides gray. Gray or black shadows are produced when bright white light shines onto something. If you use a different color of light, you can get a different shade to the shadow. Also, you can use different lenses to look at the light and shadow, and that will change the color.

What happens to light as it strikes different materials?

When light strikes a material, it can be absorbed, transmitted, reflected, or refracted. The behavior of light depends on the properties of the material it encounters, such as its transparency, reflectivity, and refractive index.

What does not signal a chemical change color change or production of light and heat or production of gas or change in state?

A change in state does not necessarily indicate a chemical change. Melting, freezing, boiling, or condensing of a substance are physical changes that do not involve a change in the chemical composition of the substance.

If the laser that emits red light shines on a prism what will emerge?

Red light, going in a different direction.

When reflection happens is there no change to the color of the light?

the color stays the same

How can you change a green light to white light?

Change the color of the bulb. [mec3usa] merge the green light with red and blue light.

Could you produce different colored lights using the laser concept?

Sure. But there are a whooooole bunch of different frequencies associated with visible light. And a change in color represents a big jump in frequenciy, at least as far as the laser is concerned. The reason the shift in color represents a big jump in frequency for a laser is because the laser is a device which typically produces one color of light. And we can't change the color of the laser by "dialing it in" like controlling the brightness of a light. Each particular "source" of the lasing action emits a particular color of light. It's all about the physics of the lasing material or medium And to make different colors of light we have to find different materials to use in the laser or build a different kind of laser. And we'd have to do this for each color of light! Not an easy thing to do. It may be possible to "blend" basic colors of light (red, green and blue) to "paint" in different colors, but this still presents considerable technical challenges.

What is a good warrior name for a she-cat with unusual different color eyes?

"Crystal" might be good, because crystals are clear, but they can change color in the light.... maybe Crystalsun?

What is color of light determined by?

change of photons

What is the color of light determined by?

The color of light is determined by its wavelength. Different colors of light have different wavelengths, with red light having longer wavelengths and blue light having shorter wavelengths. When white light passes through a prism, it separates into the colors of the visible spectrum based on their wavelengths.