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A dog's heat cycle will last it's course whether the dog is bred or not. It is possible for a dog to be impregnated by more than one dog at the same time, resulting in mix breed puppies. So, no, it will not stop just because the dog is pregnant.

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Q: Does a dogs period stop when they are pregnant?
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Can you be pregnant and have a stop and go period?

No u cannot have your period when your pregnant

When a women is pregnant will she stop having her period?

Yes a woman that is pregnant will stop having her period, until the baby is born.

If you get pregnant during your period will your period stop immediately?

you really can't get pregnant during your period. Your period happens because you didn't get pregnant. Ovulation is when you get pregnant and it happens about two weeks after your period ends.

What natural remedies can you take to stop your period?

The only natural way to stop your period would be to get pregnant.

Can you be on your menstrual period while pregnant?

No once you are pregnant your periods will also stop.

What does it mean when your period just stop?

Ur pregnant

If you stop taking your birth control because you think you're pregnant should you get your period?

If you're pregnant, then you won't get your period

If you are on your period does the bleeding stop if you become pregnant?

No, your period does not stop. I started my period on a Friday, had unprotected sex on Sunday & he did not withdraw, and continued my period as normal. I went to the emergency room the next month wondering what was wrong with me (the thought of being pregnant never crossed my mind) and turns out I was pregnant.

Will your period stop if you have intercourse and get pregnant?

yes. You don't get your period when your pregnant. when you first get pregnant though, some women have very light and short periods but that's it.

Girlfriend ain't had period since she got pregnant?

Periods stop when a woman is pregnant. Rarely they may stop for other reasons.

Do you always have a last period after conception?

No. When you get pregnant, periods stop.

What are good ways to stop from getting your period monthly?

Get pregnant.