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Q: Does a fish tank filter provide oxygen?
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Do a plant proceed oxygen in a fish tank?

no a plant does not provide oxygen in a fish tank, it has to have an air supply going to it. The fish can eat the plant though.

What items in a fish tank produce oxygen Plant Water Snail Rock?

Plants would provide oxygen in a fish tank.

Do you need an filter in a 1.5 Gallon fish bowl?

Yes, every fish tank should have a filter, but depending on the kind of fish it can be exempt. If not an air bubbler is a good idea. The filter cleans the tank, along with putting oxygen in the water, and the air bubbler also puts necessary oxygen into the water.

Do you have to have a filter with fish with puffy eyes?

Filter a fish? Do you mean filtering a fish's tank? Well you have to filter any fish's tank.

What can you do to provide more oxygen in the fish tank?

You could try planting more plants into your aquarium this will convert the carbon dioxide breathed out by your fish into oxygen

Does a 40 gallon fresh water fish tank need a oxygen filter?

It never hurts to have a filter it will only improve your fish's chances of survival and decrease your need to clean.

What does aerators do in a fish tank?

The aerator in a fish tank pushes air into the water. Some of the oxygen from the air stays in the water so that the fish in the aquarium can breath it. Even though fish live in the water, they still need oxygen to live. When they pass the water through their gills, the oxygen in the water is taken into the fish's blood stream.

Will plants provide all the oxygen needed in an aquarium?

Plants will supply all the oxygen needed only if you don't add any fish If, however, you do add fish, then also add a double lift undergravel filter and at least one aerator

Does a 40 gallon water tank need a oxygen filter?

It never hurts to have a filter it will only improve your fish's chances of survival and decrease your need to clean.

Should you always keep a filter on in a fish tank?

Yes you do need a filter in your fish tank ifyou don't the tank will build up dirt and the fish will die. Also when you get a fish tank you need to clean it out then fill it with water then put the filter in and wait 24 hours. This helps to ensure that the tank is somewhat stable before adding fish.

Is a fish tank a machine?

No. A fish tank is simply a container with 3 dimensions, length, width, and height. An aquarium. a tank set up to provide fish and other critters a healthy home, often uses some type of machinery, like a filter or chiller.

Is it safe to place Fizz Tabs in filter fish tanks?

to be honest, its thick to put oxygen tabs in any tank. dont use them, your putting your fish at risk and its a waste of money. what fish do u have in the tank. then ill tell u if its safe.