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The current is reversed in a galvanometer

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Q: Does a galvanometer have a reversed current or not?
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Why is the deflection in the galvanometer reversed when the magnet is moved in and out in a solenoid?

When the magnet is moved into the solenoid, the change in magnetic field induces an electric current in the solenoid. This induced current then creates a magnetic field that opposes the initial magnetic field created by the permanent magnet. This opposing magnetic field causes the galvanometer deflection to be reversed.

What is galvanometer constant and how to find it?

The galvanometer constant is the factor that relates the deflection of a galvanometer to the current passing through it. It is usually given as the current required to produce a unit deflection (such as one full-scale deflection) on the galvanometer. To find the galvanometer constant, you can pass a known current through the galvanometer and measure the corresponding deflection, then calculate the constant as the current divided by the deflection.

What is a NULL Point of a galvanometer?

Its a point on the galvanometer where the galvanometer shows no deflection as no current passes through it.

Which circumstances would a current register on the galvanometer?

A current would register on a galvanometer when there is a flow of electric charge through the circuit that the galvanometer is connected to. The galvanometer measures the strength and direction of the current passing through it, displaying this information as a deflection on its dial.

What is galvalometer?

i think this is galvanometer so galvanometer is a device which detect the current as well as it measure small amount of current

Why galvanometer are used in electronic instruments that measures low current and voltage?

The galvanometer is very sensitive.

What is a galvanometer called when calibrated to read current?

A galvanometer calibrated to read current is called an ammeter. It is used to measure the flow of electric current in a circuit.

How do you convert galvanometer to ohmmeter?

Ohms are the unit of measurement for resistance, so an ohmmeter is a device that measures electrical resistance. A galvanometer measures the current flowing through the resistance, so the two are related. To convert a galvanometer into an ohmmeter, one needs an external battery.

What is the unit measured in with a galvanometer?

It measures current.

Why doesn't any current flow through the galvanometer in a balanced Wheatstone bridge?

There is no current flow through the galvanometer in a balanced Wheatstone bridge because, in the balanced state, the voltage on both terminals of the galvanometer is the same. Since the voltage differential in zero, there can be no current.

Does galvanometer have polarity?

No, a galvanometer does not have polarity. It is a device used to detect and measure small electric currents. The deflection of the needle in a galvanometer indicates the presence and direction of the current but not the polarity.

What is the function of galvanometer?

To measure electric current intensity.