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yes they do have muscles? why would you thinck that they would jump if you would see take a leg of and see it will have little bups why seefor your self just find a grass

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Tiny little ones.

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Q: Does a grass hoper have muscles?
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Well first you catch a grass hoper. You can mostly catch them in jars but make it a big jar and poke holes in the top(not in the grass hoper) of the jar. So when you have finished doing this you kill the grass hoper with rat poisin. Then get a knife and dicappeted him. Then you take you knife and carefully remove all that yucky stuff. BLEH!

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You can forget baseball or dunkin donuts. As a tourist destination it's a no-hoper.

Symbolic meaning of grass hoper?

Hello Within a dream they can show enemies that will threaten your interest, disappointments in business, or illness. To the Chinese they bring good luck, fertility & prosperity. As an animal Totem it is stability, patience, security & solidarity, liking those with Clairvoyant abilities. Sadhara