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No, perhaps with the technology today, we could make one.

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Q: Does a half wolf half human exist?
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Does a half-wolf half-human exist?

No. There are no half-wolf half-human creatures. It is a biological impossibility. Hopefully in the future, people will not mess with DNA manipulation. This could only lead to trouble. YES We exist NO we ar not evil Yes we are real

How can you tell if your boyfriend is half-wolf?

its easy human-wolf hybrids don't exist so hes not Learn more about the characteristics of wolves and then compare them to your boyfriend.

Can there be a Wolf human baby?

It does noes not exist.

How do you turn half wolf half human?

I want to become a okamimimimim wolf boy

become a half-human half-wolf?

It is not possible.

What is the wolverine relationship to humans?

Half-wolf, half human.

Are werewolves human?

A bit.Werewolves are not real. But if they were real then, yes they would be half human, half wolf.

What is a lycan look like?

They look half human - half wolf.

Are werewolves hybrids?

Yes, -were- means half and werewolves are half human half wolf.

What will happened if a human lady gets pregnant with a half human and a half wolf?

she will probably have twins a human and a werewolve child

What is the name of the half human half dog?

Youkai Werewolf, Lycanthrop, Wolf-man

What is the term 'Full-blood' to werewolves and lycans?

A full-blood is a lycan, a hard core half wolf half human. pretty much the purebreds of the human/wolf world. A Half-blood is a werewolf who has less control of their wolf half and on the first few changes, are uncontrollable but, werewolves can sustain more human emotion than a lycan in a change.