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Q: Does a jellyfish have a two way digestive system?
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Does an oyster have a one-way or two-way digestive system?

Oysters have a two way digestive system. This means that they only have on opening for both food to go in and to come out.

Does a planarian have a one way or two way digestive system?

Planarians are classified underneath the flatworm phyla, and flatworms have two way digestive systems.

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Do bats have a 2 way digestive system?

No bats have a one way digestive system. Food goes in the mouth, is digested, and comes out the other end. In two way digestive systems food is taken in and waste is excreted through the same opening.

Do clams have a complete or incomplete digestive tract?

They have complete digestive system.

Does a earthworm have a one-way or two-way digestive system?

One way. An earth worm has both a mouth and anus.

Does the respritory system help the digestive system in some way?

Yes, the respiratory system provides oxygen to the digestive system.

What system is the rectum and the anus located in?

It is part of the digestive system. The digestive system goes from the mouth all the way to the anus.

What is One-Way Digestive system?

one way digestive system is like the human body, like a conveyor belt, the food goes into the mouth the stomach digests it and then exits the anus. two way digestive system is when a mouth eats the food, it gets digested and gets expelled through the same opening (mouth) (imagine barfing your own poo, yuck!)

Where are the organs in the digestive system located?

I am not 100 % sure of this but I believe the digestive system goes from your mouth all the way to your colon so everything in between is a part of the digestive system.

What animal has a one-way digestive system?

a. an earthworm

Does a cow have a one way digestive system?
