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Kakapo, for the most part, live on a fairly specialised diet. They eat certain fruits such as that of the rimu and kahikatea and the seeds of manuka and leatherwood. They eat the shoots of the shrub Dracophyllum. In the warmer months they drink rata nectar, while in winter they feed on sun orchid bulbs.

Generally ground-feeders, they eat fruits, seeds, roots, stems, leaves, nectar and fungi of other selected plants, and have been able to adapt to eating some introduced plants. However, although mostly herbivorous, they are actually classed as omnivores as insects commonly form part of their diet, and they have even been known to eat small reptiles.

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Kakapo are now found in the forests of bushy islands off the southern coast of New Zealand. However, prior to the introduction of non-native predators, kakapo were found in range of habitats, from tussock grasslands to coastal areas. Now, they are restricted to forested islands, where they are protected from predators.

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Q: Does a kakapo live in the forest?
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Does the kakapo live in the forest or desert?

The kakapo lives in the forest. This is the habitat where it is able to find its food and be camouflaged in order to hide from predators.

Is the kakapo bird an estuary bird?

Kakapos are forest birds. They are ground dwelling and live in New Zeland.

What layer does the kakapo live in?

The kakapo is mostly found on the forest floor, as it prefers to nest in burrows or natural crevices and cavities. However, being a very efficient climber, it can also be found in both the understory and the canopy.

What colors are a kakapo's wings?

The kakapo's wings, like the kakapo itself, are moss-green in colour, mottled with brown and yellow. The colours are not striking, and do not stand out, thereby enabling them to camouflage against the forest floor.

Do kakapo spiders live in rivers?

no they live in forests

What do kakapo live in?

Dry climate

Is the kakapo in the tundra?

No. Kakapo do not live in the tundra. They are found in thick native bushland of New Zealand.

Does the kakapo live in Tenerife?

No. Kakapo have never lived in Tenerife. Kakapo are endemic to New Zealand where, now, they are restricted to just three islands off the southern coast of the South Island.

Why do kakapo live in the bush?

Bushland and forest provides the necessary protection for the kakapo, which is critically endangered. The bush provides protection from predators, as the kakapo's plumage helps them to camouflage, and provides them with trees to climb, quickly escaling from ground-based predators. Kakapo cannot fly, but they are efficient climbers. It was not always the case that kakapo had to live in the bush. Fossil evidence indicates that, prior to Maori and then European occupation of the islands of New Zealand, kakapo were distributed in a range from the far north of North Island to the southern tip of the South Island. These flightless parrots lived in a variety of habitats, including tussock grasslands, scrublands and coastal areas. They also inhabited forests, including those dominated by podocarps (rimu, matai, kahikatea, totara), beeches, tawa, and rata. In Fiordland, areas of avalanche and slip debris with regenerating and heavily fruiting vegetation - such as five finger, wineberry, bush lawyer, tutu, hebes, and coprosmas - were known as "Kakapo gardens". However, European settlement has changed where the kakapo can safely live.

Do kakapo's live in one nest forever?

They do.......unless it gets ruined!

In how many countries does the kakapo live?

Only one. Kakapo are found only in New Zealand. Even there, they are no longer found on the mainland, but only on offshore islands.

Were is 13 kakapo place papatoetoe?

it in north aluckand and paptoetoe people live there