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Yes. Koalas are marsupials, and all marsupials give birth to live young.

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Q: Does a koala have live young or eggs?
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Related questions

Is a koala a marsupial or a monotreme?

The koala is a marsupial. Monotremes are egg-laying mammals, and koalas do not lay eggs, but give birth to live young.

Where are koala eggs fertilized?

Koalas do not have eggs. They are mammals, so they give birth to live young, and do not lay eggs. Fertilisation occurs internally, in the fallopian tubes. This is like what happens in other mammals, including humans.

Does a koala give birth to live young or lay eggs?

Koala are a marsupial. This means that when they are born they are very tiny and go into a pouch of the mama koala and attach themselves to a nibble. They grow in the pouch until they are big enough to come out to the world.

Is a dog and koala born live?

Yes. Both koalas and dogs give birth to live young. The only mammals which do not give live birth are monotremes. This includes just the platypus and the echidna, which lay eggs in order to reproduce.

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