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It absorbs energy, the latent heat of vaporisation. This can be stated as so many Joules or calories per kilogram. When the gas condenses heat is given out.

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15y ago
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1w ago

A liquid absorbs energy from its surroundings in order to turn into a gas, a process called vaporization. This energy is used to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the liquid molecules together.

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13y ago

I am trying to figure out what it is called: it absorbs heat to turn a liquid into a gas??

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12y ago

It gives off energy

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13y ago

gives off

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Q: Does a liquid give off energy or absorb energy when it turns into a gas?
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When a gas turns solid does it give off energy or take in energy?

Well let's say that the gas is water vapour. For it to become a solid, it must first become a liquid. It does this by being cooled (it condenses) which makes it lose energy, slowing down the vibration of the particles. When it solidifies, the particles vibrate even slower, losing their energy. So here's your answer- it does neither, it just loses energy.

What happens if energy is added or removed from a glass of ice water?

If energy is added to a glass of ice water, the ice will absorb the energy and begin to melt. If energy is removed, the ice will give off heat to its surroundings and may freeze further. Ultimately, the temperature of the glass of ice water will change based on whether energy is added or removed.

Do ice packs take in or give off heat energy?

Ice packs absorb heat energy from their surroundings, causing them to cool down. When placed on the body, the ice pack absorbs heat, which lowers the temperature of the area it is in contact with.

Does solid have more energy than liquid?

In general, solids do have slightly more energy than liquids because the molecules are more tightly packed and have less freedom of movement. This can lead to slightly higher energy levels in solids compared to liquids.

When water freezes does it give off energy or absorbs energy?

heat is released during refrigerator the heat is transfered from cold region to a more temperature region by applying some work which is violation of ist law of thermodynamics and called as 2nd law of thermodynamics

Related questions

Does liquid give off or absorb energy when it turns to gas?

Liquids absorb energy to turn into a gas. The resulting temperature should be less than the initial temperature.

When the gas condenses to liquid does it absorb or give off heat?


Does a liquid give off energy when it turns into a solid?

Yes. It releases heat into the surrounding environment, at the very least

What does condensation give off?

its when a gas turns into a liquid

What happens when an electrons jumps from one energy level to another?

When an electron jumps from one energy level to another, it either absorbs or emits energy in the form of a photon. This process is called an electron transition and is responsible for the emission or absorption of light in atoms. The difference in energy between the initial and final energy levels determines the wavelength of the emitted or absorbed light.

You have to give your dog liquid valum for seizures can you absorb it through your skin?

I'd ask the vet that question.

Can you please give me an example for when an liquid turns to a gas?

Boiling water is an example of a liquid turning into a gas. As water is heated, the molecules gain energy and move faster, eventually reaching a point where they overcome the attractive forces holding them together as a liquid, and escape into the air as water vapor.

When substance give off light or another form of electromagnetic radiartion when they absorb energy?

The substance is said to exhibit luminescence. This phenomenon occurs when the absorbed energy is released in the form of light or electromagnetic radiation as the atoms return to their normal state. Examples include fluorescence, phosphorescence, and bioluminescence.

Does potential energy increases or decreases when gas changes to liquid?

The potential energy of a substance decreases when it changes into a liquid. This is because it's losing the heat energy it had when in gas form to become liquid.

What information does latent heat of vaporization give?

The amount of energy required to turn a more of a liquid into a gas - apex

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Do patatos and rice give you energy?

They're both carbohydrates (starch) - so you body turns them into sugars, which either give you energy or make you fat ... your choice.