

Does a longer wire equal resistance?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Wire is not equal to resistance.

If you have two pieces of wire with the same thickness, composition,

and temperature, the longer piece has higher electrical resistance.

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Q: Does a longer wire equal resistance?
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How does length affect resistance of a wire?

In general, the longer the wire the greater the resistance. The only time that this is not so is when the wire is a superconductor, in which case the resistance is always zero.

How does wire thickness affects resistance?

Increasing wire thickness decreases its resistance, while increasing its length increases its resistance. Provided the voltage between the ends of the wire is constant, the current through it is inversely proportional to its resistance.

Does the diameter of the wire affect resistance?

Yes. Other things being equal, a thicker wire has less resistance.

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No. Other things being equal, a long wire has more resistance than a short wire.

How does the length of a wire affect the resistance?

Yes, resistance is directly proportional to the length, and inversely proportional to the cross sectional area. R = p*l/A. Where R is the resistance of the piece of conducting material, p is Greek letter rho, representing the resistivity of the material, l (lower case L) is the length, and A is the area.

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The resulting resistance of the parallel combination will be the resistance of the original wire divided by n squared.

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Other things being equal, a thin wire will have a higher resistance than a thick wire.

Why does the length of wire affect the resistance?

the longer the wire, the more mass the electrons have to travel thru. the more they have to travel thru, the more resistance. (and the resultant heat) the more electrically conductive the wire, the less resistance.

What happens to the current in a filament is replaced by a longer wire?

resistance increases

Does a long wire have more resistance than a short wire?

A longer wire has a higher resistance, because there are more particles for the electrons going around to "hit", and therefore be slowed down from.

How does the resistance differ between long and short wires?

Generally, the longer the wire, the more electricity will be lost because of resistance.

A wire of resistance r is cut into ten equal parts which are then joined in parrelel the equivalent resistance of the combination will be?

10 r