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lowering the temperature does speed up ripening fruit. if you raise the temperature then it will have to be thrown out. ssry

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Q: Does a lower temperature speed up or slow down ripening of fruit?
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How does ethylene gas afect fruit?

if the fruit is climacteric it will speed up the ripening process.

Why does fruit last longer in a fruit bowl when there are no bananas in it?

Because bananas (and many fruits) are often gassed with ethylene gas to speed ripening.

How does ethylene gas accelerate the ripening of a banana?

Ethylene gas is a plant hormone that triggers fruit ripening in many plants. The plants start producing ethylene themselves to synchronize ripening of all the fruit on the tree at the same time. Humans use ethylene gas to allow them to pick unripe fruit (which will survive better in transportation over long distances than ripe fruit could) and trigger ripening at the destination shortly before selling the fruit to the public.

Why do fruits ripen more quickly in cabinets than in the refrigerator?

Fruits ripen more quickly in cabinets due to the presence of ethylene gas, a natural plant hormone that triggers ripening. Refrigerators slow down this ripening process by reducing ethylene production and inhibiting ripening enzymes. The cold temperatures in the refrigerator also slow down the metabolic processes that lead to ripening.

How can companies use enzymes to make te maximum amount of juice from fruit?

Companies can use enzymes to make the maximum amount of juice by using the enzymes to help speed the ripening process of the fruit. The more ripe the fruit is the more juice it will produce.

Does ethylene gas help speed up the growth of plants?

No, a high amount of Ethylene gas will result in stunted growth and flower drop. It does speed up the ripening on the mature fruit. Some growers harvest fruit green then use ethylene gas to artificially ripen the fruit.

What happens to the speed of a particle as temperature decreases?

The speed of a particle decreases with decreasing temperature. Decreasing temperature is associated with lower energy states, and the particle will have a lower energy state. It will be moving with less kinetic energy.

Fruits can b e made to ripen easily when covered with paper?

As fruit ripens it give off a gas. This gas speeds the ripening process. By placing the fruit in a bag or paper you capture and concentrate that gas and speed the process.

What gas makes apples ripen really fast?

Ethylene gas is produced by apples and can be used to make other fruits, such as peaches, pears, and tomatoes, ripen quickly. Have you heard that old saying about one rotten apple can ruin the whole bunch? That is true, because rotting apples put out a lot of ethylene gas which speeds up the ripening (or over-ripening) of all of the other other apples in the bunch. If you want to speed up the ripening of unripened fruit, just place the fruit in a brown paper bag with several apples, fold down the top of the bag, and leave at room temperature for a couple of days. The bag captures the apples' ethylene gas thus speeding up the ripening process.

Does increasing the temperature increase or decrease the speed of diffusion?

Increasing the temperature will increase the speed. Remember Dalton's theory: Particles at a higher temperature tend to move faster on average than particles at a lower temperature.

What does not speed up dissolving?

At lower temperature the solubility decrease.

Name a product made with the aid of a biological catalyst?

Canned fruits and fruit juices are products made with the aid of a biological catalyst. The industries use synthetically prepared ripening agents to speed up the ripening of the fruits.