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Q: Does a male have to already have an STD to give it to the female?
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Can a male get a bladder infection if a female has one?

Yes, any STD can be transferred.

Do Write a program in c plus plus to enter 10 voters age and display the average male voters age and average female voters age using loop?

#include<iostream>int main () { int age, female=0, male=0, fcount=0, mcount=0; char sex; for (int voter=0; voter<10; ++voter) { std::cout << "Enter the voter's age and gender: "; std::cin >> age >> sex; switch (sex) { case 'm': case 'M': ++mcount; male += age; break; case 'f': case 'F': ++fcount; female += age; break; } } std::cout << "Average male age: " << male / mcount << std::endl; std::cout << "Average female age: " << female / fcount << std::endl; }

Which type of birth control protects against STD?

Latex condoms (male) Polyurethane condoms (female condom)

What is condom and why it is used on male only?

Condom is a protective layer between penis and vagina. It helps to avoid unintended pregnancy and STD. There is female condoms available as well, but male condoms are safer to use.

If gay people have std and they're gay can they get it?

Depends on what you mean by "it". The germs that cause STDs don't know if you're gay or straight, male or female, so a gay person can get an STD from any sex partner who has an STD. But if you're asking if a gay person with an STD can make another person gay, the answer is No. Being gay isn't a disease.

Can a woman be infected by swallowing mans infected sperms?

Yes, a female can get an STD from giving male oral sex. Using condoms can help lower the risk.

What is the punishment for an 18 year old male giving an STD to a 15 year old female?

jail! seriously, she is underage and he's not. that's a problem (crime!) in itself. but about the std, he must have it himslef so that's bad enough punishment

Is it harmful to eat semen?

The short answer is NO as long as both participants are healthy with no STD's! The more complete answer would include: There is nothing harmful in the ejaculate of a healthy male but a male infected with STD's could pass those along to the partner. If either the male or the female has a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD & Including HIV/AIDS), that disease can be transmitted. Some STD's can be easily treated with Antibiotics others can be DEADLY. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, chlamydia, Herpes, AIDS/HIV, genital warts, Hepatitis-b are all STD's & some can kill you others are treatable, Condoms area good line of defense for most diseases but they too can fail.

How did the common law start in the middle ages?

You start your period and then you start your perbodie and if you have sex with any female or male that has cold sours and that means STD that stands for sexual transmitted disease.

Is there a greater risk for women to develop diseases that are not STD's from having multiple male sexual partners than for a Man to have multiple female sexual partners?

No because you asked " is there a greater risk for women to develop diseases that are NOT STD's" You are not going to get NON STD's from having sex any more than a man would provided your immune systems are both healthy and you have the same exposure rates.

Did Dwyane Wade give his wife std?


What not to give your boyfriend on Valentine's Day?

an std