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Ethically, if the child is yours then you pay support. The circumstances are irrelevant.

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Q: Does a man have to pay child support if the woman tricked him to get pregnant?
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What rights do you have if you were tricked into getting a woman pregnant and she keeps the baby?

You cannot be tricked into getting a woman pregnant! If you have sexual intercourse a very likely outcome is that the woman gets pregnant. No amount of assurances that she was on the pill, infertile, had her womb removed or any other excuse releives you of the fact that you willingly had sex with her. That she got pregnant was always a possibiity. We are all responsible for our own form of birth control.... they are not all totally effective, admittedly, but if you don't want to father a child then it is your responsibility to ensure that you don't. Your responsibility is to that child, and you must face that! ADDED: And..., as far as the law is concerned, you are legally responsible for child support until the child reaches its 18 th ebirthday.

If you were with a woman one time and she became pregnant are you obligated to pay child support if you do not want the child?

Yes, the issue of a biological father not wanting the woman to bear the child is irrelevant and will not affect his legal obligation to support that child. Both parents of a minor child are legally obligated to financially support that child until he or she reaches the stated age of majority.

Can you get sued if your married and get someone pregnant?

You can always be sued. In such a situation, your wife will probably sue you for divorce, and the pregnant woman will probably sue you for child support.

What if your baby's mother tricked you into getting her pregnant And just found out shes married to a woman So they used you to Father their child They don't know that you know What should you do?

You should take them to court... you will most likely win the case, because you where tricked... but you would need prouf...

Woman married got pregnant should u pay child support?

Yes, unless the child is being adopted by someone else like her husband.

Who should pay child support if a woman becomes pregnant from a one night stand?

In most cases it doesn't really matter how the woman became pregnant. All that matters is if she is going to keep it and if she is going to take care of it personally. If the woman keeps and and assumes custodial rights, then the father should pay child support because he did help create the child and isn't providing for it otherwise. However, if she gives custodial rights to the father, then she should have to pay the child support for the aforementioned reasons.

Can a pregnant woman defer her child support payment until she delivers her new baby?

The question is a bit confusing. If the "new baby" is the child for whom the support is needed and the parents are unmarried, the child must be born and paternity established before an order of support can be filed.

What does a pregnant woman need more than a woman who's not pregnant?

Love and support from husband and family.

How do you put someone on child support under the age of 18 in Atlanta?

The same as at any age. Go to child support enforcement. This can even be done involving a case of an adult woman getting pregnant by a young boy.

Why men pay child support if the women is at fault?

Under current law, there are no grounds for not establishing child support, even in cases where the woman stole the semen to impregnate herself, or got pregnant by having sex with an underage boy.

What is the sol in Florida for collecting child support arreage?

I don't believe there is a sol on child support arrears in Florida. They can hound the "beat dead Dad" all the way to the grave. Even if he was ordered to pay child support to the woman who molested him as a child and got pregnant, while they allow deadbeat moms free reign.

A woman who has never borne a viable child.?

A nullipara is a woman who hasn't borne a viable child. A nulligravida is a woman who has never been pregnant.