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Q: Does a man who cums a lot have a better chance of getting a woman pregnant?
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If a woman has given birth to two sons what is the probability that her third child will be a girl?

In general, the probability that any child will be a girl is approximately 1 in 2. It is like flipping a coin. There is a 50-50 chance for a specific outcome each time. It would be less likely that a woman would have three sons than that she have two sons and one daughter, but each individual outcome is a 50-50 chance. If this is a brain teaser, since we are given that the woman has given birth to two sons, it could imply that any other children she has are daughters, in which case the probability is 100% - if we know that she has other children.

Is it more or less likely to get pregnant while on your period?

Less likely, but still possible. A woman can only get pregnant if she has sex either during ovulation or up to a week before ovulation when there is fertile quality cervical mucus present - this helps keep the sperm alive for up to 7 days and helps it to swim up through the cervical opening. During an average 28 day cycle a woman will be fertile between days 7-16 (ovulation on day 14, there can be a viable egg present for up to 48 hours) - by the time a woman menstruates the egg from the last cycle is long dead, and she cannot ovulate during menstruation. However if a woman's menstrual cycle is short she may ovulate soon after menstruation, thus if she was to have sex during her period sperm could survive up to 7 days, by which time she may have ovulated and thus she may get pregnant.

What is the probability of getting pregnant if sperm come out?

Depends on how far along the woman is in her monthly cycle of menstruation and ovulation. Women are most fertile two days before through two days after they ovulate, which occurs approximately 14 days after their last menstrual cycle. However, sperm has been said to survive up to 72 hours after coitus (sex). Even if a man does not ejaculate (i.e. "pulls out"), sperm is still released during sex, in the form of pre-ejaculate (which occurs during coitus and is virtually undetectable by either partner). Therefore, you CAN get a girl pregnant even if you pull out, and there is a good week or more that she can easily get pregnant out of each month--and that week is actually harder to pin down than just counting calendars.

What is the average IQ for a woman?

the average IQ for a woman is 103.

What is the probability of twenty-two consecutive same gender births?

Assuming that the chance of a woman giving birth to a boy or a girl is the same (in reality there's about 105 boys born for every 100 girls) then the probability of 22 of the same gender births *in a row* is: P=(0.5)^22=0.0000002384 or 1 in 4,194,304 It depends on the "when" of the question. If you point at a childless woman, and say "She will give birth to 22 children. What is the likelyhood that they will all be girls?" In that case the probability will be one in two-to-the-twenty-second. Pretty long odds. BUT, if you point at a woman with twenty one children, and ask "What are the odds that the next one will be a girl?" Then the answer is one in two. Make sense?

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If a woman is taking the pill can she become pregnant during her period?

There is always a chance of getting pregnant when having sex even on the pill.

What is the pill called to stop women getting pregnant?

Birth control pill is a general name for a group of medications that can greatly reduce the chances of a woman getting pregnant. There is still a chance of getting pregnant, but it is greatly reduced.

What are the chances of getting pregnant 2 days from starting your period?

a woman can get pregnant before one or two days of her periods --- A woman has a lesser chance of falling pregnant with in the first week after her period. After the first week she is at high chance of falling pregnant, especially within the last week before her period. ----

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Once a woman has surgery to prevent pregnancy, she cannot get pregnant. However, depending on the procedure that is done, there may be a slight chance.

What is the probability that a woman get pregnant even if premenstrual syndrome had already occurred?

Your risk of getting pregnant is the same as any other time when you are fertile. Unless you are menopausal or pregnant, you have a chance of becoming pregnant from having sex.

Can a woman get pregnant if she has her period?

If she gets her period, then she isn't pregnant. If you have sex while she is on her period then there is a chance she will get pregnant.

Does candida prevent women from getting pregnant?

Not true,it can't prevent woman from getting pregnant

Can pepper prevent woman from getting pregnant?

No it can not.

Is it more likely for a teen to get pregnant?

No a teen has just as much of a chance of becoming pregnant as an older woman.

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How likely is it that a woman would be pregnant after a man pulls out?

only a 1% chance

What infections stop a woman getting pregnant?

Bacteria infections