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A maritime air mass forms over water. The word maritime means "of or pertaining to the sea."

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Q: Maritime air masses originate over
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Which is not an area where the maritime tropical air masses that affect north America originate?

The Hudson Bay is not an area where the maritime tropical air masses that affect north America originate.

Do maritime air masses form over land?

No. If something is maritime, then it has to do with the ocean. Maritime air masses form over water.

What type of air masses would form over the northern Atlantic?

Maritime polar air masses.

The meeting of which air masses causes thunderstorms in the spring?

Some maritime tropical air masses originate in the subtropical Pacific Ocean, where it is warm and air must travel a long distance over water. These rarely extend north or east of southern California. Some maritime tropical air masses originate over the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. They can be associated with fog and low clouds as they moves northward. In the spring and summer, this air mass accounts for the thunderstorms in the Great Plains and elsewhere.

Air masses that formed over oceans are called?


Which of the following is not an area where maritime tropical air masses that affect north America originate?

Hudson bay

Where are the source regions for the Maritime tropical air masses that affect North America?

The source region for the maritime tropical air mass originate over the warm waters of the southern Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

Where does a marine polar air mass originate?

In the large air masses of the Tropics of Capricon and the Tropics of Cancer are where they're formed. You can figure this out from the name. "Maritime" refers to the ocean, and "tropical" refers to the zone around the equator between the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer. Thus maritime tropical air masses originate over the ocean in the tropics. Similar logic works with the names of other types of air masses as well.

Which air masses have warm moist air?

Maritime tropical air masses have warm, moist air.

Are maritime air masses hurricanes?

No. A maritime air mass is any air mass that originates over the ocean. A hurricanes is an intense tropical storm.

Where do maritime tropic air masses form?

it is a large air mass that passes over oceans

Why do you think air masses with high humidity are called maritime air masses?

An air mass with high humidity has picked up water by evaporation as the wind crosses over the oceans - hence the term maritime.