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It depends how cold and how furry the horse is. My trainer's mini is like a bear,so so fuzzy and doesn't need a blanket, but I live in ATL so it's not also the coldest here.

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Q: Does a miniature horse need a coat in the winter?
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Why do some miniature horses not lose all of their winter hair?

Your miniature may need a good deworming if the winter coat does not completely shed off.

Do you have to put a coat on your horse in winter?

Yes horses absolutely have to wear a winter coat in Winter as it wont make them sick like us we need jumpers and jackets to keep warm and not to get a flue. :]

When do you put on a fleece rug on a horse?

You usually put a fleece rug on a horse when you put them outside in the winter. Most horses wont need a winter rug because they grow a thick coat but if it's REALLY cold or your horse is clipped then you will need one.

What kind of area do horses need to be kept in?

It depends on what kind of horses coat your horse has all year round. If it has a thick coat then it would be fine in a weed-free paddock. If your horse has a smooth, fine coat it would probably need some sort of sturdy shelter against the cold. If your horse is an 'outside' horse, it would need a winter cover. It would also need some trees for shelter. It needs to have a fence and a gate. If you have a 'inside' horse you will need the sturdy shelter, a heavy winter cover and basic stable things. Hayley

What seasoon should a horse need a blanket?

A horse should have a blanket in fall or winter to keep it warm.

Does a draft horse need stable blanket?

That would depend on how good of a winter coat he's grown and how much hay he's being fed.

Why is covering horses important?

covering horses is during winter is important for either a thin horse (or a horse that is hard to keep condition on) so they dont have to burn fat to keep warm, or a horse that is being ridden alot during winter, as a fluffy coat (although cute) can be very hard to groom out, (and you dont want to be wasting precious light time during the winter, trying to brush out your horses coat!) and the horse will get quite sweaty during work if his coat is too thick! But if your not working your horse during the winter, and he is a good weight, then there is no need to rug a horse (it is actually very good for a horse to not be rugged during winter, as it will get him using his muscles to keep himself warm!!) hope this helps!! p.s sorry about the bad explanation!! you can google it, all the information is there!!

Which seasons should your horse need a blanket fallspringwinteror summer?

If you blanket a horse at the beginning of Autumn then it has to stay on until warmer weather comes around again as the blanket prevents the horse from growing it's winter coat. Without the the natural hair coat or the blanket the horse could become susceptible to influenza. You can also blanket a horse with a thin blanket in the summer. This keeps the flies away and prevents the horses coat bleaching in the sun.

Why didn't my horse lose all his winter coat this summer?

Some horses need help losing their winter coat, so you should shed them out every time you bring them in to groom them. Also, some horses have long coats all year round, so they need extra shedding when the weather warms up. If this has never happened to your horse before, you may want to ask someone with a lot of horse experience about it. Along with the above answer, a unshed or partially shed winter coat can mean the horse is developing a condition called 'Cushing's'. It is caused by the body getting 'out of whack' and messing up the levels of cortisol in their systems. This can cause them to develop the unshed coat, patches of fat on their bodies and other symptoms. You should have a equine vet come out and check the horse to be sure it is not Cushing's.

What season does a horse need a blanket?

winter and fall but mostly winter

What season does a horse need a horse blanket?

Winter I should imagine.

How often does a horse have to get clipped?

If the horse will not be shown, or does not develop such a thick winter coat that he gets overheated, it's a better idea not to clip them; the hair is there for a reason! If they do need to be clipped, there is no set time period; it's whenever you think he needs it.