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The mom takes care of them

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Q: Does a mom or a dad take care of the white lion cubs?
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Related questions

What is the male of lion?

The male lion does not have a special name. Male lions have a large territory they have to defend and several females and lion cubs they take care of.

What parent takes care of a baby lion?

The mother lioness, as well as the cubs adult female relatives, take care of the cubs. All of the cubs in a pride are raised by all of the adult females collectively.

Do both lion parents take care of the cubs?

Sometimes. The female mostly takes care of her young while the male hunts.

How long does a lion look after its cubs?

The lioness will take care of cubs until they are up to two years old. The cubs are nursed until they are 7 to 8 months old.

Does the male or female lion take care for the cubs?

usually the female, although in certen situations, the male may take part.

How many young does a lion raise?

Litters are normally between 1-6 cubs. Even if the cubs aren't an individual lioness' offspring she'll take care of them.

Does a lioness need a lion to have cubs?

Yes, it take both a male and a female lion to produce cubs.

How does a puma take care of its young?

no , puma's actually take care of their cubs and when the cubs are ready they leave their family

Who takes care of a panda's cubs?

Zoo keeper, take care of panda cubs.

Do lions or female lions take care of the cubs?

The males take care of the cubs while the lionness goes hunting

Do snow leopards take care of the cubs?

Yes, female snow leopards care for the cubs until they are old enough to care for themselves.

How long do lions take care of their young?

The average gestation period for Lions is around 110 days. The female gives birth to a litter of one to four cubs in a secluded den usually away from the rest of the pride. She will often hunt by herself while the cubs are still helpless, staying relatively close to the thicket or den where the cubs are kept. After a few weeks she will rejoin the Pride along with her cubs