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It is instinctive for a young platypus to be able to swim when it gets old enough. However, the mother certainly teaches it how to find food.

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Q: Does a mother platypus teach her young how to swim or find food?
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Does the platypus defend its young?

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How long is a platypus nursed by its mother?

After hatching, the mother platypus feeds her young on milk secreted from glands, rather than from teats. They are suckled by the mother for 3-4 months, during which time she only leaves them to forage for food. Aft this time, she teaches them how to find food, and they stay with her until they are around a year old.

How do baby platypuses get their food when they are young?

Baby platypuses initially feed exclusively on mothers' milk. The mother platypus does not have teats for the baby platypuses to latch onto, but instead secretes milk through grooves on either side of her abdomen. The young platypuses suck up this milk. As they get older, they are shown by the mother platypus how to find food in rivers and creeks.

How does a mother platypus take care of her young?

she feeds it milk untill it is old enough to find its own foodandshe barley leavs it to find food for herself thats why she gathers food when she is pregnent

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They teach their young how to hunt or look for food, how to find mates and find different homes and habitats for living.

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How do dolphins take care or their young?

They are mammals that give live birth and the pups nurse from a mother's milk. They help them surface for air the first time and teach them how to hunt and communicate. They are the only sea creature that uses tools to find food and play and they teach these things to their young. They are protective and fierce and will attack sharks to ward off attacks.

How do baby platypuses find their food?

Baby platypuses initially feed exclusively on mothers' milk. As they get older, they are shown by the mother platypus how to find food in rivers and creeks.

Where might one find a platypus in nature?

One might find a platypus in nature in many different places. Some of the places that one might find a platypus in nature are: lakes and ponds in Australia.

Where can you find Perry the platypus Tumblr themes?

Google "perry the platypus tumblr theme".

What does a mother chimpazee teach her young?

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