

Does a moving skate board contain kinetic energy?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Does a moving skate board contain kinetic energy?
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What kind of energy does a skate board have?

In physics, the kinetic energy of an object is the energy that the object possess, due to the fact that the object is moving. When the object/skateboard isn't moving it has no kinetic energy. However when it is given energy such as a push, it would move and keep going until it is stopped by another force, such as a wall.

Mechanical energy is a term that is used to describe?

Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of some object. So any object in motion, has potential to be in motion, or has both has mechanical energy. Your car in motion has kinetic energy and potential for more kinetic energy in the gasoline that it runs on. So your car has mechanical energy. Or you up on the three-meter diving board at the pool have potential for kinetic energy when you take a swan dive off that board. You have mechanical energy there. But, bottom line, pretty much any object that is either in motion or can be put into motion has a form of mechanical energy.

What energy is it when the diver jumps and the board bends down?

The diver at the top of a diving board has potential energy

What type of energy does a boy have who jumps up and dives off of a diving board?

Kinetic energy, and gravitational potential energy.

What is the main difference between potential and kinetic?

The main difference between potential and kinetic energy is that potential is energy that has the opportunity to become kinetic. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion.examples of potential energy- a spring being squeezed; When you are at the top of the diving board getting ready to dive; winding up before you throw a pitch (in softball); etc.examples of kinetic energy- a person running; a car speeding; falling down the stairs; etc.

Can energy to be both potential energy and kinetic energy?

Yes but not both at the same time. All energy is conserved, therefore energy before equals energy after. For example jumping from a ten metre diving board you have gravitational potential energy as you are fulling gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

What energy transformations take place when you ride a skateboard?

Gravitational / chemical energy from your leg, to kinetic energy when you push the board along which then transfers to heat and sound as you go along.

When you hit a nail into a board using a hammer the head of the nail gets warm in terms of kinetic and thermal energy describe why you think this happens?

The kinetic energy transfers from the hammer to the nail. The molecules inside the nail move rapidly and create heat.

A diver who weighs 500 N steps off a diving board that is 10 m above the water The diver hits the water with kinetic energy of?


Where does a skater have the most kinetic energy?

At rest at top of slope, it is all potential energy(mass * g * vertical distance to bottom of slope). Ignoring friction losses, this will translate to all kinetic energy at the bottom. kinetic energy = 0.5 * mass * velocity squaredexample:mass of sled + rider = 100 kgg = 9.82 ((m/s)/s) acceleration due to gravityvertical distance = 20 metresso:potential energy at slope top = 100 * 9.82 * 20 = 19 640 joulesso:kinetic energy at bottom = 19 640 joulesso :19 640 = 0.5 * 100 * velocity ^2so:velocity = square root (19 640 / (0.5 * 100))velocity = 19.82 metres / sec

When the diving board is elasticated.What kind of energy does the diving board have?

potential energy

Does cement board contain asbestos?

Older cement board may contain asbestos, and then it is properly called "asbestos cement board." Cement board more recently manufactured should not contain asbestos. The only way to know whether a particular cement board does or does not contain asbestos is to ask the manufacturer (if you know who made it) or have a sample collected from it by a qualified sampling technician and have the sample analyzed by a qualified laboratory.