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Usually yes.

Initially (just after conception) it makes more cells as it get smaller - but that's just temporary.

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Q: Does a organism make more cells as it gets bigger?
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What makes one organism larger than another?

Although weight and mass make organisms differ from each other, it is the number of cells the organism has that makes it its size. Likewise, the more cells the organism has, the bigger it is. The number of cells, not the size of the cells, determine the weight and mass the organism has. Example: An elephant is obviously much bigger than a bear, but due to the fact that it is composed of a greater number of cells.

Do cells are organism?

Cells make organisms, if that's what you mean.

How are organism formed?

by cells.. cells make up the organisms.

How many cells make up one organism?

It depends on the organism.

What make us organism?

multiple cells

What make up the human organism?

Cells are the one who make up the entire human organism,, because cells are the basic unit of life, ---ForgottenEunice

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organism. (an organism that is not a protists, Monera, or bacterium) organism, generally, but i believe it is possible to have a single celled organism, small bacteria or something like that. Cells combine to make up organisms

What are somatic cells Short answer please?

Somatic cells are all the cells that make up an organism except for germ cells.

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both cells and organisms share certain characteristics, cells make you a complete organism.

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Are specialized cells made by stem cells?

yes. special cells make tissues then those make organs then those make up a system then those make up an organism