

Does a palindrome need a zero?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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11y ago

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Not necessarily.

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Q: Does a palindrome need a zero?
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Ball must always land on zero palindrome?

Never odd or even.

What palindrome suggests that the ball must always land on zero?

Never odd or even.

What subjects in school would you need the definition of palindrome?

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No, it isn't a palindrome.

What is the palindrome of 14?

There is no palindrome for 14.

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The palindrome is Level.

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you only need two O's in good, and answer: racecar

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Any number that is is a palindrome will always be a palindrome.

Is 107541 a palindrome?

No. A palindrome reads the same backwards and forwards. 5791111975 is an example of a palindrome.

How many numbers make a palindrome?

A palindromic number can have as few as one digit, and as many as infinity. The smallest palindromic number is zero and the largest is '999... to infinity'.

What numbers can make a 7 step palindrome?

There are 9000 such numbers and I have neither the time nor inclination to list them. Just pick any non-zero number, A. Pick any three numbers B, C and D. Then the number written as ABCDCBA is a 7 digit palindrome.

What is the palindrome of 1998?

1998 is not and cannot be a palindrome.