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Although you can keep a pregnant rabbit in a hutch with others it is best to remove her and give her a separate space a couple weeks before she is due to give birth. Pregnant females get really aggressive during the last days of their pregnancy and could possible harm other rabbits or even herself. During the last few days the rabbit will begin "nesting" by pulling out her own hair to make her birthing bed. This nest could be interrupted and destroyed by other rabbits inside the cage. In most cases a number of things can happen if the female gives birth with other rabbits in the same hutch:

1) Other rabbits will kill or physically harm the newborn rabbits

2) The mother will abandon the babies at birth

3) Because of the sharing of the cage the babies could get trampled on by other rabbits

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Q: Does a pregnant rabbit need to be put in a hutch on her own?
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I have three pregnant female rabbits that I rescued from a friend. They are all sisters and get along. Can I keep all three in a big hutch or do I have to separate them to have the babies?

You are going to need to separate them. They will begin to fight for territory as their time gets near and will need their own space. Every rabbit over the age of 3 months needs it's own cage.

What angle should the ramp of a Rabbit hutch be?

When i got my rabbit, the best hutch to get is a double hutch so they dont feel confined, so they have their own space. When you first bring them home, put it in a little run to get it used to the smells. All rabbits are different, so even though my strategy worked, it might not do for your rabbit. Best of luck

Can chickens live in hutch or do they need a run?

Chickens may live in hutchs, they dont need to run as long as the hutch is big enough for the amount of chickens you own.

Where would the boy rabbit go if your rabbit is pregnant?

You need to get the boy in the cage to breed and after that you put the boy in his own cage but if you keep the boy and girl together intill they have babies the boy will eat the babies.

What sort of rabbit hutch should you get?

well, there can be first newspaper or wood shavings and on the top has to be hay. P.S. hey is for cows, Grass is greener, and straw is cheeper. (the proper response to "hey!") A bowl of fresh water, something to eat and don't forget the rabbit!

How tall is the average rabbit hutch?

well i just made a cage with an outdoor wire area of 3ft wide, 6ft long and 2ft tall and a wooden area of 3ft x 3ft x 2ft and it gives my rabbit plenty of space to run around. but i think that with anything smaller you'd need to take the rabbit or walk or let it roam the house ect.

Can a pregnant rabbit live with a non pregnant rabbit?

Its not a good idea Every rabbit should have it's own cage and a pregnant doe not only needs her own cage and nest box but peace and quiet. Having a non pregnant doe in with her would cause too much confusion. The non pregnant doe could jump in and out of the nest box stomping the babies or cause the doe to stomp her own babies by jumping in and out of the box herself while trying to protect them from the other doe. Does will fight, pulling fur, slitting each others ears and scratching eyes.

Is your rabbit is pregnant she rabbit has built a nest but she took her nest out of the box the day after it rained does this mean she is not pregnant or is she letting the nest dry since it is wet?

She's probably just drying it. Why else would she build a nest from her own fur? To check for babies you can gently feel the rabbit's stomach for lumps.

I have a 6 week old rabbit and a female that is 8 week old i dont want her pregnant whenshould i take them out of the same pin?

Every rabbit should have it's own pen. Rabbits can get pregnant when they are 4 months old but you don't want them to.

Can a baby female rabbit be kept in the same hutch as the mum for company AFTER the other babeis have been weaned and taken away?

i wouldn't recomend it. female rabbits can be unpredictable, they can kick their own babies to death for no reason.

What do you do if your rabbit jumps on to the hutch roof and likes grass?

JumpingJumping up on high surfaces ("climbing") is one way that rabbits play. Not all rabbits like to "climb" but some do.If you see your rabbit jumping up on high surfaces (like the hutch roof), make a mental note: your rabbit likes to climb!It's important to provide your rabbit with enjoyable games/toys and outlets for her energies and interests. Look around your home for safe things your rabbit might climb on and put them in her run (or pen, or territory -- wherever it is you let your rabbit out to play, exercise, and socialize daily). Consider turning your rabbit's hutch (or cage, condo, etc.) into a two-level hutch, or putting something inside the hutch your rabbit can climb on. (Your rabbit's hutch should be roomy enough to accomodate a few toys like this. If it isn't, and your rabbit spends more than 12 hours a day in it, it's too small: get a new hutch.)If your rabbit jumps somewhere unsafe, calmly and securely pick her up and put her back on the ground. Don't yell or do anything that might startle the rabbit. Next, think of some way to prevent her from jumping there again (for instance, by blocking off the area somehow).Whenever you lift a rabbit, make sure you support the hind legs. Never lift a rabbit by the ears. Never lift a rabbit by the scruff of the neck alone: the hind legs must always be supported. (A bunny who's hind legs aren't supported can kick out hard enough to break her own back!).GrassGrass is fine for pet rabbits to eat, so long as they're also eating a healthy diet of plenty of hay (unlimited amounts; 24/7 access), high-quality (high-fibre, low-protein, low-fat) pellets daily, fresh greens daily, and few-to-no treats.Risks associated with fresh grass include pesticides and other poisons, and parasites. Always keep your rabbit away from areas where pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and other poisons have been used. If your rabbit is an outdoor rabbit, be very careful about parasites: learn about the various signs and symptoms, look for them closely every month, and have your vet test the rabbit's feces at least once a year.

Should you separate your pregnant guinea pig if it lives with a rabbit?

Yes, you should. The rabbit might try to harm the baby guinea pig or try to take it in as it's own. ---- YES! They should not be housed together even if a guinea pig is not pregnant! They can injure each other.