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A prisoner does not have to eat in prison if he doesn't want to. Many prisoners conduct hunger strikes in an effort to raise awareness of prison conditions or other issues.

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Q: Does a prisoner have to eat in prison if he doesn't won't too?
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If a prisoner chooses not to eat the food in prison will the guards force feed them?

Yes intravenously

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No, a prison guard can not force feed an inmate. Only a doctor would be able to do that.

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Not much. They ate anything that moved. One story I read was about a lady who came to see the commander of the prison with a little dog. The dog got loose, but was never found again. You can guess what happened. The conditions of the prison were awful and they barely got anything to eat and were living in holes in the ground.

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yes, a prisoner can choose to not eat their food. However, if they are starving, the prisoner can get a court order to force feed them.

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You have the right to eat what they give you.

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You don't want to be fat. You should just be healthy. If you eat healthily and exersize wll then it doesnt matter what size you are. Obviously if you eat junk food yo will get fatter but then you wont be healthy and that's not good

What happens if you eat someone?

It depends on the circumstances and where you live. You could go to prison for a VERY long time and possibly get the death sentence if you killed someone to eat them.

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It doesnt